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Arson Forensics Sets Old Fire Myths Ablaze

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Interesting article on how forensics is changing how investigators are looking at fires/arson.

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Long time coming. For years investigations lagged behind scientific findings...much to the detriment of some who were wrongfully convicted on beliefs...not hard facts/science.

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There have been a number of articles like this over the past few years. Thankfully the old-time "myths" of fire investigation have been busted through the years due to better understanding of the science and dynamics of fire. Unfortunately there have been a number of people charged and convicted of arson charges where the facts, and science, of the case did not warrant such a charge. Although there are still some exceptions, the old methodologies that relied on many of these myths is long gone. Too much junk science through the years led to bad investigations and bad results. Most investigators now days, especially those who continue to go for training and take pride in their work, understand the myths and the facts and do a professional job.

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There have been a number of articles like this over the past few years. Thankfully the old-time "myths" of fire investigation have been busted through the years due to better understanding of the science and dynamics of fire. Unfortunately there have been a number of people charged and convicted of arson charges where the facts, and science, of the case did not warrant such a charge. Although there are still some exceptions, the old methodologies that relied on many of these myths is long gone. Too much junk science through the years led to bad investigations and bad results. Most investigators now days, especially those who continue to go for training and take pride in their work, understand the myths and the facts and do a professional job.

Couldn't agree more brother. This is a reason why I think Rick Perry is an a** and shouldn't run for dog warden less president. Had a man executed in Texas based on testimony of investigators or myths and experience and later disputed by forensic science based facts. He didn't give the guy a pass and he ran out of appeals. Dude is dead and there is no way from the science facts that he lit a fire and killed his kids.

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