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Occupy Wall Street Being Raided!

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Currently NYPD are in full riot gear gearing up to shut down occupy wall street. On site are various media outlets, NYPD, DSNY, FDNY and reportedly but not confirmed LRAD. There are several carting companies on site dropping off dumpsters. Though by the time many of you read this, it will likely be long over and done with. OWS is or will virtually be no more.

Edited by peterose313
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I guess NYPD aren't even allowing most of the press in. They've got like a 1-2 blockade preventing anyone from getting in.

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I bet these people are worried about the economy. The amount of OT the city is dishing out for this has to be crazy. Thoughts go out to the FDNY Fire and EMS and NYPD and anyone else down there doing their job.

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Glad I work nights and am able to watch this mayham first hand. Livestream is great. The media will never be able to give this type of coverage.

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From NYPD Scanner. EMS en route to the park for an injured MOS. Prayers out to the member.

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Currently NYPD are in full riot gear gearing up to shut down occupy wall street. On site are various media outlets, NYPD, DSNY, FDNY and reportedly but not confirmed LRAD. There are several carting companies on site dropping off dumpsters. Though by the time many of you read this, it will likely be long over and done with. OWS is or will virtually be no more.

What is LRAD?

Also is that live ffed still up. I am having trouble viewing it.

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These people should go back to "occupying" their parents' house, playing video games and getting stoned. Stop pretending you know why you're there!

MJP399, YogruntNy and FFBlaser like this

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The park will reopen but this time no camping, no tents, no tarps, etc. curfew will be enforced

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These people should go back to "occupying" their parents' house, playing video games and getting stoned. Stop pretending you know why you're there!

LOL! Exactly my thoughts. It's nothing but another Woodstock without the music. Most of these imbosols don't even know why they're there!

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I gotta say....I'm a little disappointed to read some of the comments that are written here. Why are we so excited to see this movement broken up? You don't have to agree with everything they're saying or rallying for down there. You also don't have to like the people who are doing it, BUT it's nice to see a little activism. It's nice to see people pushing back against the establishment because it's our constitutional right. The basis of this action is very similar to the founding of this country. Lets not be so quick to get excited that they're being "shut down".

I don't like a bunch of leaches and do nothings, but I also don't like some CEO's salary increasing 23% while his company sheds 10,000 jobs or the bank he runs won't lend money to the honest working man. The balance of power and wealth in this country is more lopsided than it's ever been.

Remember, if you're a civil servant (as I am)or any other Union worker, these protesters are your friend! They like you. They want you to make more money and be taxed less. The people that they're rallying against want to reduce your pension because it's too lucrative. They want to close firehouses because they'll never need you. They want to ship jobs to India because it'll leave them more money to pay themselves.

Look, it's probably about time they shut down this camp-site and cleaned up the park which must be a disaster. However, lets not be so quick to jump for joy at the end of a protest that has the working man's ideals in mind.

Edited by M' Ave

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I heard this on the radio on my way into work. All I can say is thank God for the NYPD, FDNY and DSNY.

Interesting, there are reports from some of the sympathizing media outlets that NYPD used tear gas, which they always said is not their policy. Could it have just been regular smoke to prevent the media circus or could it have been from the protestors themselves?

Hoping the injured MOS recovers quickly and fully, anyone got an update on the status?

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I gotta say....I'm a little disappointed to read some of the comments that are written here. Why are we so excited to see this movement broken up? You don't have to agree with everything they're saying or rallying for down there. You also don't have to like the people who are doing it, BUT it's nice to see a little activism. It's nice to see people pushing back against the establishment because it's our constitutional right. The basis of this action is very similar to the founding of this country. Lets not be so quick to get excited that they're being "shut down".

I don't like a bunch of leaches and do nothings, but I also don't like some CEO's salary increasing 23% while his company sheds 10,000 jobs or the bank he runs won't lend money to the honest working man. The balance of power and wealth in this country is more lopsided than it's ever been.

Remember, if you're a civil servant (as I am)or any other Union worker, these protesters are your friend! They like you. They want you to make more money and be taxed less. The people that they're rallying against want to reduce your pension because it's too lucrative. They want to close firehouses because they'll never need you. They want to ship jobs to India because it'll leave them more money to pay themselves.

Look, it's probably about time they shut down this camp-site and cleaned up the park which must be a disaster. However, lets not be so quick to jump for joy at the end of a protest that has the working man's ideals in mind.

I don't think it's so much the cause, it's the caliber of people and their methods of protesting. Their actions are hurting many small businesses and many of them want to end Capitalism and want entitlements aka Socialism. These are the hypocrites who are walkin around with all new ipods and asking for a moment of silence for Steve Jobs. It's just away for some of them to gain notoriety and 10 seconds of fame. Have you seen some of the interviews? Do you feel it's right for the Government to pay for ones College Education. This is the message many of these morons are trying to get out. No I don't feel it's right for CEOS and other Corporation Executives to get bonuses why their stockolders are struggling but is it any different then many Union Executive Board memebers using your Union dues to live the life of luxury and embezzling millions of dollars in union dues. Greed is a problem for many not just in Big Business. IMO I feel most of these protesters are ignorant and hypocritical and have just too much time on their hands. There's work out there you just have to be patient and look for it.

Edited by FirNaTine
x635, grumpyff, Just a guy and 1 other like this

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Wait, the protestors are the police and fire department's friends?

Is that why they defacate on RMPs, spit at Police Officers, pass out flyers that say "when to kill a cop," prevent cops from investigating sexual assaults and help the perpetrators avoid prosecution, prevent EMS from responding to medical emergencies and break an EMT's leg? With friends like those, who needs enemies?

I respect the right to protest. But the fact of the matter is any other group that wanted to protest in that park that way would have been kicked out months ago. These kids need to follow the rules like everyone else, we as a country have humored them for long enough.

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Don't twist words. I don't know any protesters and i never said they were our frien ds. Many are misguided. Some are using this event as an excuse for anarchy and nonsense, but thats not the majority. Don't pick out isolated events or focus on the wackos crying for Steve Jobs. When you have a large over the top movement you get a few crazies and unfortunate events. Look past that at the bigger picture. I'm sure the British were pretty pissed off about all that tea being wasted back in the day, but that wasn't really the point, was it? Look past the silly nonsense that makes the cover of the Post and examine the bigger picture. The big picture is something that the vanishing middle class should embrace. Not an end to capitalism, not pure socialism, just a more fair and equitable system that doesn't grant excessive protections to the extreme minority while the rest of us working stiffs watch our income dwindle and our rewards for working dry up.

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I gotta say....I'm a little disappointed to read some of the comments that are written here. Why are we so excited to see this movement broken up? You don't have to agree with everything they're saying or rallying for down there. You also don't have to like the people who are doing it, BUT it's nice to see a little activism. It's nice to see people pushing back against the establishment because it's our constitutional right. The basis of this action is very similar to the founding of this country. Lets not be so quick to get excited that they're being "shut down".

I don't like a bunch of leaches and do nothings, but I also don't like some CEO's salary increasing 23% while his company sheds 10,000 jobs or the bank he runs won't lend money to the honest working man. The balance of power and wealth in this country is more lopsided than it's ever been.

Remember, if you're a civil servant (as I am)or any other Union worker, these protesters are your friend! They like you. They want you to make more money and be taxed less. The people that they're rallying against want to reduce your pension because it's too lucrative. They want to close firehouses because they'll never need you. They want to ship jobs to India because it'll leave them more money to pay themselves.

Look, it's probably about time they shut down this camp-site and cleaned up the park which must be a disaster. However, lets not be so quick to jump for joy at the end of a protest that has the working man's ideals in mind.

The exercise of the first amendment is a wonderful thing; we're one of the few places in the world where you have that. But just because they're opposed to things that I'm opposed to doesn't make them an ally so I have the same right to protest against their methods - not necessarily their message. I don't think "camping" in a park is the kind of protest that will effect change but that's just me and my first amendment talking.

It's refreshing to see that activism is alive and well but the "Occupy Wall Street" movement could take a few lessons from some of the great activists of our time who were articulate and convincing in their message. The double-talk gibberish that they use with the media further alienates me.

And I seriously doubt that any of these protesters want to see our wages increased and our pensions protected. That is part of the hypocrisy.

My two cents.

calhobs, SOUSGT, Just a guy and 2 others like this

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I gotta say....I'm a little disappointed to read some of the comments that are written here. Why are we so excited to see this movement broken up? You don't have to agree with everything they're saying or rallying for down there. You also don't have to like the people who are doing it, BUT it's nice to see a little activism. It's nice to see people pushing back against the establishment because it's our constitutional right. The basis of this action is very similar to the founding of this country. Lets not be so quick to get excited that they're being "shut down".

I don't like a bunch of leaches and do nothings, but I also don't like some CEO's salary increasing 23% while his company sheds 10,000 jobs or the bank he runs won't lend money to the honest working man. The balance of power and wealth in this country is more lopsided than it's ever been.

Remember, if you're a civil servant (as I am)or any other Union worker, these protesters are your friend! They like you. They want you to make more money and be taxed less. The people that they're rallying against want to reduce your pension because it's too lucrative. They want to close firehouses because they'll never need you. They want to ship jobs to India because it'll leave them more money to pay themselves.

Look, it's probably about time they shut down this camp-site and cleaned up the park which must be a disaster. However, lets not be so quick to jump for joy at the end of a protest that has the working man's ideals in mind.

These protesters may be your friend but they certainly aren't mine. These people don't care one iota about civil servants or even the common man. There have been many media reports about small businesses in the wall street area that have had to lay people off due to the decrease in business since these miscreants have shown up.

I support the constitution and people's right to protest and I don't agree with corporate greed. I think the system is broken and needs to be changed and there are ways to change it however those ways don't include running through the streets like a bunch of animals, pissing and shitting on police cars, raping, stealing,using drugs and in the case of occupy oakland, shooting people in the head. This is not an organized protest this is an occupation with no clear goal or purpose.

The protesters don't care about lower taxes and higher wages because most of them DON'T WORK and DON'T WANT TO. Watch the news reports, read the signs, they want to be given what you have worked for.. they want to take money for student loans and then NOT pay them back. They believe that if I work hard and make money that it should be shared with them ... f*** THAT. There have been signs that advocate the overthrow of the government, the ending of capitalism and the rise of socialism.

Rudy Guiliani said it best, "Instead of Occupying wall street, how about you occupy a job"

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The protesters don't care about lower taxes and higher wages because most of them DON'T WORK and DON'T WANT TO. Watch the news reports, read the signs, they want to be given what you have worked for.. they want to take money for student loans and then NOT pay them back. They believe that if I work hard and make money that it should be shared with them ... f*** THAT. There have been signs that advocate the overthrow of the government, the ending of capitalism and the rise of socialism.

I got a good one for you. A few weeks ago I was in Boston at South Station and watched "Occupy Boston" for awhile. Many of the protestors were wearing anarchy t-shirts and holding anarchy signs while chanting "This is what democracy looks like" in a country that's actually a republic... clearly they were confused. #Occupyahistoryclass

x129K, Just a guy and peterose313 like this

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I gotta say....I'm a little disappointed to read some of the comments that are written here. Why are we so excited to see this movement broken up? You don't have to agree with everything they're saying or rallying for down there. You also don't have to like the people who are doing it, BUT it's nice to see a little activism. It's nice to see people pushing back against the establishment because it's our constitutional right. The basis of this action is very similar to the founding of this country. Lets not be so quick to get excited that they're being "shut down".

I don't like a bunch of leaches and do nothings, but I also don't like some CEO's salary increasing 23% while his company sheds 10,000 jobs or the bank he runs won't lend money to the honest working man. The balance of power and wealth in this country is more lopsided than it's ever been.

Remember, if you're a civil servant (as I am)or any other Union worker, these protesters are your friend! They like you. They want you to make more money and be taxed less. The people that they're rallying against want to reduce your pension because it's too lucrative. They want to close firehouses because they'll never need you. They want to ship jobs to India because it'll leave them more money to pay themselves.

Look, it's probably about time they shut down this camp-site and cleaned up the park which must be a disaster. However, lets not be so quick to jump for joy at the end of a protest that has the working man's ideals in mind.

Just asking. "They want you to make more money and be taxed less" How do you pay a civil service employee more, without raising taxes? Taxes and Fees are the basic revenue streams available to pay civil service wages and benefits. You can't have higher wages and more benefits without more revenue (taxes and fees) from the general public and private companies.

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Wait, the protestors are the police and fire department's friends?

Is that why they defacate on RMPs, spit at Police Officers, pass out flyers that say "when to kill a cop," prevent cops from investigating sexual assaults and help the perpetrators avoid prosecution, prevent EMS from responding to medical emergencies and break an EMT's leg? With friends like those, who needs enemies?

I respect the right to protest. But the fact of the matter is any other group that wanted to protest in that park that way would have been kicked out months ago. These kids need to follow the rules like everyone else, we as a country have humored them for long enough.

Of the thousands of people who've come and gone through there, there have been many pieces of garbage. This is not the majority. By your logic all cops are murdering, thieving, rapists. Every firefighter is a drug dealing thief. Every EMT is a pedophile and thief. The worst of any group is always hyped and this group has absolutely done themselves a great disservice by rallying behind everyone with the same fervor.

The group has recently received an injunction preventing their eviction from the park for the time being. I truly hope the groups takes advantage, holds out till their two month anniversary and packs it in. They can then hopefully regroup and find a more productive next step. They started a conversation that was not happening in the mainstream media before this began. The news is now focusing more on them than why they're there.

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Of the thousands of people who've come and gone through there, there have been many pieces of garbage. This is not the majority. By your logic all cops are murdering, thieving, rapists. Every firefighter is a drug dealing thief. Every EMT is a pedophile and thief. The worst of any group is always hyped and this group has absolutely done themselves a great disservice by rallying behind everyone with the same fervor.

Obviously I don't think that ALL of them are violent revolutionaires and anarchists, when I saw Occupy Boston I had conversations with a few of the more well-informed protestors who had some interesting things to say about various government spending issues. The difference between Occupy and your analogy is that when there's a corrupt police officer, firefighter or EMT their agency takes the responsibility for the incident and their members' actions. They don't have a choice, they have to.

OWS welcomes every group in with open arms and takes no proactive steps to weed out the bad elements. Then when something bad happens they say "oh, it was an isolated fringe element that we didn't have anything to do with and take no responsibility for." But that's not how it works, you don't get to encourage people in your organization to do whatever they want then totally wash your hands of it when something bad happens and expect no consequences. This raid is the consequence of the out-of-control behavior this group has allowed in their midst. If they can't police themselves, the NYPD will have to do it for them.

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I gotta say....I'm a little disappointed to read some of the comments that are written here. Why are we so excited to see this movement broken up? You don't have to agree with everything they're saying or rallying for down there. You also don't have to like the people who are doing it, BUT it's nice to see a little activism. It's nice to see people pushing back against the establishment because it's our constitutional right. The basis of this action is very similar to the founding of this country. Lets not be so quick to get excited that they're being "shut down".

Just as much as the people down there are permitted to Peacefully Assemble under the First Amendment, so are the people here allowed to have their own opinions, and express them, under Free Speech (the same amendment).

Everyone is entitled to have their own opinions. I get disappointed listening to politicians and some of the things they write/say/promise.

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