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Plasma Cutting

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After looking through our rescue, I was wondering when the last time (if ever) any departments have had to use their plasma cutter, at a scene. Looking at the tip of ours, it looks as if it has never been used.

In addition, I have heard rumors that plasma cutting can NOT be used on boron reinforced steel, does anyone know if this is true?

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yeah it depend on the power of the cutter.. obviously you'll need a pretty descent size cutter to cut through an I beam. On board ships we carry something a little more portable and with a bigger punch to it. Its called a PECU Portable Exothermic Cutting Unit. It very good at making a nice plunge cut into a 4 inch solid piece of steel.


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Plasma cutters should have no problems with boron or other ultra high strength low alloy steels. The bigger issue is when do you use them? They're not safe in your typical vehicle extrication where you're most likely to encounter these metals.

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Another option, and well recieved by the likes of Camden Rescue 1 is;

If you follow Gabe's blog there is some good info on it there, about Petrogen torches and firefighting in gemeral. Sometimes he mentions Ed..Ed is a people person.


Edited by x129K

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Another option, and well recieved by the likes of Camden Rescue 1 is;

If you follow Gabe's blog there is some good info on it there, about Petrogen torches and firefighting in gemeral. Sometimes he mentions Ed..Ed is a people person.

A lot of cool information on that site thanks for sharing the link!!

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After looking through our rescue, I was wondering when the last time (if ever) any departments have had to use their plasma cutter, at a scene. Looking at the tip of ours, it looks as if it has never been used.

In addition, I have heard rumors that plasma cutting can NOT be used on boron reinforced steel, does anyone know if this is true?

Often, the when and where the plasma cutter or petrogen (similar to oxycetelyne in its properties) are used is more often than not dictated by the situation. Neither would be used for ordinary extrications.

What is dismaying is that you said it looks like it has never been used. That to me means that no one has trained on it. If that is the case, it Shouldn't be used at an actual incident!!!

What is the plan? Are you going to assign one member to be the cutter and another to read the instruction book?

Get yourselves some training by someone in the Fire Service that is well trained and ask him to give you a few lessons. Then get some scrap metal and practice...practice...practice.

Or sell your equipment.

fireboyny, 99subi, Bnechis and 1 other like this

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