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FDNY EMT Assaulted at Occupy Wall Street

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EMT Assaulted At OWS

Updated: Thursday, 10 Nov 2011, 1:50 PM EST

Published : Thursday, 10 Nov 2011, 1:00 PM EST


MYFOXNY.COM - A wild scuffle at Zuccotti Park early Thursday morning ended with an Occupy Wall Street protester under arrest for assault and an FDNY EMT in the hospital.

Officers and EMTs were called to the park for a report of a disturbed person. While trying to approach 20-year-old Joshua Ehrenberg, sources tell Fox 5 that other protesters locked their arms and legs to stop Ehrenberg from being loaded into an ambulance.

Police say that during the ensuing moments, Ehrenberg shoved a emergency worker. That EMT then had a ladder fall on top of him, and then several other protesters fell on top of the ladder, crushing his leg. Sources say the ladder was set up as a part of the OWS protest.

Ehrenberg, who is from Rochester, N.Y., was arrested and taken to Bellevue Hospital for a psych evaluation. He's charged with felony assault and obstructing governmental administration. The EMT was also taken to Bellevue where he was treated for leg, knee and ankle injuries.

Ehrenberg was expected to head to court to face assault charges after his release.

Read more: http://www.myfoxny.c...f#ixzz1dKqMitVX


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I don't know who the bigger a-holes are...the guy for assaulting the EMT or the OWS protestors for blocking his removal.

Speedy recovery to the MOS

Edited by SRS131EMTFF

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They should arrest every one of the protesters that allowed this unsafe situation to happen. They can then start a new occupy movement at Rikers Island.

Speedy recovery to the MOS injured.

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It's simply a matter of time before they sweep the park clean altogether, and end the ridiculous nonsense.

I sure wish they'd get a move on. I know its not up to NYPD at this point to make that decision, since this is a political hot potato, but I'd love to see ESU guys sending these numbskulls back to their socialism studies courses...

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You don't have to agree with the protest to support their right to protest. This incident is terrible and the people responsible need to be held responsible, but as a whole, why should the protest be ended?

SRS131EMTFF, ny10570 and skme318 like this

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Let them protest all they want, on Rat Island.



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You don't have to agree with the protest to support their right to protest. This incident is terrible and the people responsible need to be held responsible, but as a whole, why should the protest be ended?

Because protest just for the sake of protest is silly and now Dangerous! The OWS crowd is doing nothing but costing the city money and can you sensibly articulate what they want to accomplish in order to end the occupation? I can't for the life of me understand what they want or want to see happen!rolleyes.gif

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You don't have to agree with the protest to support their right to protest. This incident is terrible and the people responsible need to be held responsible, but as a whole, why should the protest be ended?

Is this really a "protest" anymore? It may have been at the start but now it is just a bunch of people living in tents in an urban park. How are they effecting change through their efforts? I think they'd be more productive by applying for permits and protesting outside a different company/bank/individual with whom they have an issue every day. This "occupation" doesn't seem to mean much to anyone other than the "occupiers". I've gotten really bored with it and stopped paying attention so I may have missed something.

It seems, as evidenced by some of the more notable incidents down there, that a large number of EDP's and other social misfits are "attaching" themselves to this while they have nothing at all to do with the movement.

x129K, BFD1054, PEMO3 and 1 other like this

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Bunch of SKELLS who obviously have too much time on their hands......................Bloomberg should have grown a set of BALLS weeks ago and cleared these people out...........

27east and grumpyff like this

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You don't have to agree with the protest to support their right to protest. This incident is terrible and the people responsible need to be held responsible, but as a whole, why should the protest be ended?

Assault on a Peace Officer

Multiple incidents of sexual assault and rape (which members of OWS attempted to cover up)

Multiple incidents of drug use/sale/distribution

Multiple incidents of larceny, pickpocketing, etc

Rioting (Atlanta, DC, Oakland)

Need I continue?

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Assault on a Peace Officer

Multiple incidents of sexual assault and rape (which members of OWS attempted to cover up)

Multiple incidents of drug use/sale/distribution

Multiple incidents of larceny, pickpocketing, etc

Rioting (Atlanta, DC, Oakland)

Need I continue?

But those are just isolated incidents caused by "bad apples", or so sayeth my uber-liberal OWS loving professor when confronted with those facts, as well as Occupy Phoenix's "When to Kill a Cop" brochure.

Oh, and they are mainly being caused by homeless who the police are dumping there :rolleyes:

Edited by v85
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Bloomberg doesn't have the balls to send in the NYPD. He really hopes that they will leave once the weather gets colder.

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You don't have to agree with the protest to support their right to protest. This incident is terrible and the people responsible need to be held responsible, but as a whole, why should the protest be ended?

I support the constitution and people's right to protest - HOWEVER......

You can protest peacefully and without causing trouble for the police and for the people around you that want nothing to do with the protest. It seems that these days there is a school of thinking that if you aren't causing trouble for the police then you really aren't protesting.

This is no longer a protest, it is an occupation. The rights of these liberal dipshits have been protected long enough, now it's time to protest the rights of the people that actually do live in the wall street area that have had to put up with this nonsense long enough. It's time to protect the rights of the struggling small business owners who have to try to keep these people out of their bathrooms because they are using then to bathe.

The crime in and around zuccotti park is increasing as is the boldness of the protesters. They have erected tents which is against the rules of the park but they cry and hide behind the constitution whenever someone tries to correct them.

This is not an organized protest anymore this is just a subversive subculture that accomplishes nothing.

It is time that the NYPD ends this occupation now and return the wall street area back to the citizens who ACTUALLY live there.

jack10562 and SageVigiles like this

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You don't have to agree with the protest to support their right to protest. This incident is terrible and the people responsible need to be held responsible, but as a whole, why should the protest be ended?

Generally speaking, you're right. You want to protest? Knock you're self out. The problem i have (the obvious crime/health/etc concerns) is that their "message" is far from focused. Just listen to some of the interviews by the media of the occupiers....many will fumble verbiage for minutes to attempt to explain the goals while others will simply come out and say they have no idea what the goal/message is. So, rather then try to refocus their sloppy decentralized efforts and boil them down into some meaningful political momentum (like the tea party did, for example) they would rather engage in illicit narcotic activity, obstruct justice and antagonize police officers. So, if you ask me, many of them are just a bunch of over privileged ivy league graduates who feel disenfranchised because they didn't get six figures out of the box and are trying, fruitlessly, to harken back to the hippy movement of their parents.

Oh, and lets not forget the millions in expenses that they are costing various municipalities across the country and world....

Thats just my issue with the movement, and i agree that the financial system is broken and needs serious fixing...

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Give 'em 24 hours notice to vacate the premises, whoever is still there after that, gets locked up. Period.

It's high time the law abiding, taxpaying residents and businesses got their neighborhood back!

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The flow of prisoners is actually TO Zuccotti park, not from. While the rumors of NYC DOC dumping released prisoners from Rikers at Zucotti are not true, the actual dump site is Canal and Centre, which is an easy walk to Zuccotti. Whether the COs tell them to go there, or they just know, it's a pretty good place to be for released prisoners looking for shelter, food, and drugs.

Edited by Alpinerunner

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