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AMR was NEXT DOOR to the Empress base at one time. What does the proximity to Empress' base have to do with anything?

Prior to AMR, what private ambulance company occupied the same building next to Empress? Winner gets a rep point.

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Prior to AMR, what private ambulance company occupied the same building next to Empress? Winner gets a rep point.

Wasn't that Park Ambulance?

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Wasn't that Park Ambulance?

A rep point? I'm totally "shocked" that he knew the answer to that one. :rolleyes: lmao. I wouldn't even doubt there is a picture of him on a street with one of their buses behind him or something.

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Does anyone know where they operate out of? What areas they cover? Didn't they have a different name? I see their rigs it seems like all over the place recently.


They were Empire State, Hudson Valley Paramedics, Regional EMS, Now Care1 EMS. They have a new base in Yonkers, which from what I've heard, correct me here anyone if am wrong

or being misleading, but am understanding that is primarly just an interfacility transport operation, don't believe they do any 911 Calls out of Yonkers, as that is served by

Empress. They also have a base in Fishkill and Pleasant Valley. I think I heard that they may possibly loose that contract in PV, anyone whom has heard the same and may have

additional or updated information please advise.

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Does anyone have contact information that they can give me? I am trying to apply for a job... I found an online application on Is this what I need? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Stay safe,


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Does anyone have contact information that they can give me? I am trying to apply for a job... I found an online application on Is this what I need? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Stay safe,


Just go to the main station in fishkill, they will give you an application.nothing online as of yet

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Does anyone have contact information that they can give me? I am trying to apply for a job... I found an online application on Is this what I need? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Stay safe,


not sure how accurate it is, doesn't look like a finished product...

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Does anyone have contact information that they can give me? I am trying to apply for a job... I found an online application on Is this what I need? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Stay safe,


Why not just go to Empress? You will be MUCH happier.

87D124, EMT348 and 67R93 like this

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Why not just go to Empress? You will be MUCH happier.

Hiring? I will go anywhere...

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If you want to apply to Empress, go to and fill out the application, but you MUST then follow it up with a phone call to ext 3109 at the 888 965 5040# during business hours. Yes they are hiring, usually in groups of about 10, about every 3 weeks. There has been much hiring lately, to fill spots created by expansion into WMC. And there are always folks who don't work out when you hire a lot, so some spots need to be re-filled! They do get lots of apps, so the phone call is a must. Medic class will be graduating soon, so the medic students will be precepting, so their old EMT shifts will need to be filled. Good luck.

PFDRes47cue, x129K, 87D124 and 1 other like this

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Empress is hiring. From what I heard, they are looking to hire about 20-30 EMTs and around the same number of Medics. The quicker you complete your application and make the follow up phone call, the better chance you will have to getting hired for the next class that should be starting soon.

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Empress, Mobile Life Support Services or TransCare would be my suggestion(Care1 EMS is a sinking ship). If you're really hard up and live in the Hudson Valley, there's always hope in CT or in NYC for SeniorCare, Citywide, Lifeline or one of many EMS transport agencies.

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Empress, Mobile Life Support Services or TransCare would be my suggestion(Care1 EMS is a sinking ship). If you're really hard up and live in the Hudson Valley, there's always hope in CT or in NYC for SeniorCare, Citywide, Lifeline or one of many EMS transport agencies.

Seniorcare is still hiring full-time, Citywide just picked up a whole bunch of new people, but I don't belive they are hiring at this time, and the same goes for Lifeline.

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If you are going to make a commute to NYC to work for TransCare or Citywide, you should shorten your trip and get off one of the many exits for Yonkers.......and come work for Empress. With TC & SC, all you are ever going to do with those companies is, transport after transport after transport......maybe a code 3 "Nursing Home" emergency once in a while.......At Empress, you will do transports, will also do 911 jobs in Yonkers & Pelham Manor and in the near future........possibly Mount Vernon 911 jobs, if Empress gets the contract back again. In addition, Empress is a Union Shop, so the pay plus the benefits are much better than working for a non-union private EMS agency.

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You forgot to add "Empress kicks a**!"

GREAT place to work..

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I work at a transport in the city because of where I live, and its very flexible scheduling.

Transports are what they are, but the people I work with are great.

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Your info says you live in Westchester. if that is the case, Empress would be closer than working in NYC. Empress has a very flexible schedule also. Sure, there are plenty of transports, but you have the advantage of doing a good amount of 911 jobs too.

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Your info says you live in Westchester. if that is the case, Empress would be closer than working in NYC. Empress has a very flexible schedule also. Sure, there are plenty of transports, but you have the advantage of doing a good amount of 911 jobs too.

I live about 3/4 of the year in the Bronx...

Don't get me wrong, I would love to work for Empress/Emergacare(as they are in the city), but at this time, I am happy with where I am.

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I hear what you are saying. If you are happy where you are, by all means, stay there. It is hard to find a job that you are happy with, so do not give it up. FYI, Empress also hires per-diems..........2nd job? Extra $$ B)

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If you are going to make a commute to NYC to work for TransCare or Citywide, you should shorten your trip and get off one of the many exits for Yonkers.......and come work for Empress. With TC & SC, all you are ever going to do with those companies is, transport after transport after transport......maybe a code 3 "Nursing Home" emergency once in a while.......At Empress, you will do transports, will also do 911 jobs in Yonkers & Pelham Manor and in the near future........possibly Mount Vernon 911 jobs, if Empress gets the contract back again. In addition, Empress is a Union Shop, so the pay plus the benefits are much better than working for a non-union private EMS agency.

Really $15.75 starting for empress is more then 21-23$ for some privates in the city? hows that union working out? btw In my very humble opinion 911 vs transports its all the same bs it just depends what bs you want to smell the left or the right hand

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