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Kingston, firefighters union to tangle in court over job

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KINGSTON — The city will once again battle its firefighters union in court over staffing levels.

Mayor Jim Sottile filed a petition in state Supreme Court Oct. 27 to try to avoid arbitration over filling a vacant firefighter position. Sottile requested that the Common Council abolish the vacant position on Aug. 17, and it did so later that day.

Edited by jack10562
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I fear the days of choosing a career as a firefighter because it is a good, secure, fairly paid with good benefits job are just about over.

Edited by FD828
x129K, helicopper and Danger like this

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Before any public safety position is ever eliminated, all non-vital positions such as Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Commissioners, mayoral aides, secretaries, etc, should be eliminated.

FFD941, BFD1054, Danger and 6 others like this

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Before any public safety position is ever eliminated, all non-vital positions such as Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Commissioners, mayoral aides, secretaries, etc, should be eliminated.

The Mayor's position is non-vital? Seriously?

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The Mayor's position is non-vital? Seriously?

Depending on the style of government, it certainly could be. In some styles, the Mayor is little more than a figurehead. Some municipalities, specifically "townships" (in PA at least) do not have a "Mayor" at all. They are governed by a Board of Commissioners, which is essentially the same thing as a City Council, but with no chief executive (i.e. Mayor).

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The Mayor's position is non-vital? Seriously?

To play devils advocate here, the only thing that a mayor truely does is run the monthly council meeting and two breaks any ties caused by the council. So you tell me?

x129K and PCFD ENG58 like this

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Before any public safety position is ever eliminated, all non-vital positions such as Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Commissioners, mayoral aides, secretaries, etc, should be eliminated.

Unlikely ever to happen.....well maybe Secretarial positions.

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