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Whatever happened to accountability?

No, I'm NOT talking about scene safety.

I'm talking about being acountable for YOUR actions. It seems, in certain climates, that people would rather point fingers and come up with knee jerk defenses, or ignore the issue at all, then take personal responsiblity for what they did. It's very apparent on this forum.

For instance, say I screwed up on a call. I'm going to own my mistake. Everyone makes them. How can I get any better, or my agency get any better, if I am not accountable for my actions?

I hate seeing people throwing around blame. I never hear on this forum "I don't go to as many calls as I should...I want to help and particpate, but only when I have free time". Or, "I didn't take training that was available to me that could have saved that life or structure". Or "That training or idea or method worked great...let's try it here" or "I screwed up....I'm going to take this class again as a refresher, it's been a while" or "We don't see enough calls here to stay proficient, so I can use tips from other guys who are with busier departments".

Or, "Why do we need that new $700,000 Engine when we can't even get a crew out the door". Why don't we try to do more with less?" People put out fires, not equipment.

Why should it be someone else's responsiblity to be doing things that you know you should be doing? What standard are you holding yourself to?

Your contributions to your agency or system make it what it is. Realize that, and take some ownership in what you are doing. If someone else is saying something about it, and you did the right thing, you will have nothing to hide. It's those who get very defensive about their agencies or other personel that worries me.

There seems to be two schools of people....those who truly remember that they are there to serve the public, and do their best to give the public the life safety they deserve....and then there are those who are so consumed with the idea of authority and driving vehicles with bright flashy lights and "look at me" egos and superiority complexes and don't realize the value of personel.

Those who are truly in this field for the right reasons hold themselves accountable. Those who don't should quit.

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Wow Seth! You truly don't understand.;^) If we buy that truck and show it off at a parade it will, of course attract more volunteers.Yea that's right. Please give us donations because we are VOLUNTEERS that work for free. Don't mention the LoSap or Tax breaks and other perks that the public pays for and doesn't attribute to the VOLUNTEER. And last but not least "What do you want we're only VOLUNTEERS" This is the accountability that I have seen over the 40 years in the fire service. OK I dug the hole you all can through me in it.

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  On 11/3/2011 at 0:31 AM, Healz said:

Wow Seth! You truly don't understand.;^) If we buy that truck and show it off at a parade it will, of course attract more volunteers.Yea that's right. Please give us donations because we are VOLUNTEERS that work for free. Don't mention the LoSap or Tax breaks and other perks that the public pays for and doesn't attribute to the VOLUNTEER. And last but not least "What do you want we're only VOLUNTEERS" This is the accountability that I have seen over the 40 years in the fire service. OK I dug the hole you all can through me in it.

In no way do I wish to insult you sir, but I believe that is the attitude Seth was talking about in his post, instead of taking responsibility for your own actions you point fingers at others and do nothing but sling baseless negative comments at each other which solves nothing.

Seth said it right. I have always felt that I do not use my skills enough to be truly efficient at everything, which is why if you look in my certificates you will see numerous duplicates. I refresh training every chance I get, especially if it is something I dont use often enough. Training at my firehouse is non-existant right now, but thats because our firehouse has turned into a shelter relief effort to collect enough food, clothing and household items for those that were affected by the Hurricane and flooding in my county. My chief has been consumed with that for months now and our drill nights are just not what they should be. So I go looking for training elsewhere, at other stations. Instead of pointing fingers at my fellow officers, I take accountability for myself and get the training I need other places.

For years now I have felt that Firefighter I & II should be just like EMT certifications where you need to recert every 3-5 years. But every time I talk about it I get laughed at and told that idea is rediculous (most of the time by career firefighters whom I thought would never discard that idea) and even have people get angry with me. Its mostly lazy firefighters who do not want to train any more than they have to let alone have to do it every 3-5 years, who I feel shouldnt be firefighters any way.

I agree, people need to be less defensive when mistakes are pointed out and more proactive in finding solutions, and learn from the mistake instead of make excuses for it or try to sweep it under the carpet.

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Seth I think this topic could pertain to LE and EMS also! I will wait for some other responses before I chime in!

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