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Goldens Bridge- Working Fire-11/2/11

1 post in this topic

Date: 11/2/2011

Time: 1200hrs

Location: 16 butternut lane (Cross: Todd Rd, Mt Holly Rd)

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 13, Fire 17

Units Operating on Scene: [Goldens Brigde FD: 2141, 2142, 2143, E139, E140, R25], [south Salem FD: 2453, E168, T2], [WCDES: Bat 13, C&O zone 5, 1405, 1454], Bedford PD

Units Standing By at GBFD HQ: [Katonah FD: 2212, E116]

Weather Conditions: Clear

Description Of Incident: 911 Caller Reported heavy black smoke from structure, GBFD units confirmed structure fire


Writer: firedude

1200hrs: Original Tone out for heavy black smoke from structure

1203hrs: 2141 responding

1204hrs: E139 responding

1208hrs: 2141 on location with smoke showing, requesting retone, South salem engine and Tanker, and Croton Falls Engine and Tanker to scene

1209hrs: 2141 requesting Katonah engine and tanker to standby in HQ

1210hrs: E168 responding

1210hrs: 2142 reporting all apparatus use Rt. 138 due to low wire

1211hrs: 2142, 2451 on scene

1211hrs: T2 responding

1213hrs: E148 responding

1214hrs: 2212 responding to HQ to assemble crew

1215hrs: 2453 on scene

1215hrs: Bat 13 responding

1216hrs: T8 responding with caution

1217hrs: 2071 responding, Rt. 138 is best access

1217hrs: 2141 reporting Croton Falls can return, South Salem cans continue in, requesting C&O

1217hrs: Bat 13 on scene

1219hrs: 2451 on scene

1219hrs: C&O zone 5 dispatched

1220hrs: 2212, E116 relocating to GBFD HQ

1222hrs: Bat 13 reports 2 Story wood frame, fire in garage, knocked down, going to overhaul, requesting building inspector

1222hrs: E168, T2 on scene

1225hrs: 2212 out at GBFD HQ

1226hrs: Bat 13 reports primary and secondary searches are negative

1226hrs: 60 Advises they are unable to make contact with Building Inspector, left message

1227hrs: E116 out at GBFD HQ

1240hrs: 60 Advises Cause and Orgin has 2 Members to the scene, 1 picking up the truck

1246hrs: IC releasing T2 from scene, holding engine

1246hrs: R25 responding

1251hrs: 1405 responding

1252hrs: R25 on scene

1312hrs: 1454 on location

1417hrs: E139 clear of scene, back in service

1417hrs: 2142 releasing Katonah from standby

**I am missing a few times

**I am still updating. If you have anything to add, PM me!

Edited by firedude

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