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Good job Mahopac Falls - Teamwork to WMC

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A doctor at WMC thought enough of a call that he called my agency to say something. I passed it along to the crew, but it's worth mentioning. It was a busy day and the call description didn't warrant a medic, but someone on scene thought that it did and called for one, then got on the radio to update the medic. The patient was packaged and ready to go. The decision was made to go to the medical center and no one complained. It was a smooth ride with good help in the back. Everyone chipped in, worked together and the result was solid, professional, compassionate care.

It was a low anxiety call--no heroics--but at the same time, it was a low anxiety call because everyone stepped up to do their job. Some days we forget how important teamwork and attitude can be. And then there are moments like this one, when it all comes together because half a dozen people are trained and dedicated and put the patient first.

So thank you Mahopac Falls. You guys did a really nice job out there.

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