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60 Control-WCPD Comm As A Stand Alone Agency

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Here's a comment that will get a lot of "it can't be done" comments.

What if 60 Control, and WCPD Communication combined, and became their separate, standalone agency?

The long term goal would be to get as many PD, FD, and EMS agencies on the same page as possible, and increase interoperability. The agencies working with this new combined communications agencies could be considered "customers", and treated as such (customer service).

For the Dispatcher, it could increase dispatching as a career, with better promotional opportunities and other avenues for growth and pay grades that don't exist now. Pay should match the cost of living, and leave some money to live on. Management staff should be compensated at the same rate a Lt, Capt, or Chief makes in the county (or similar management position countywide) As a career, retention of dispatchers could be increased, reducing initial hiring and training time costs. Morale could be improved by having an increased minimum staffing, cross training, and better scheduling, reducing "mandatory" overtime that plagues both agencies. Shifts could serve the needs of the dispatch center, and most importantly, the dispatchers.

Another benefit of a standalone agency would be that any future funding and grants for this "new agency" couldn't be siphoned off by other divisions of the department as it is now. Funding then could be applied towards an improved hiring process and a dedicated training academy for dispatchers could be established, and continuing education could also be made a priority. A dedicated, secured communications facility could include training room with training cad stations, a kitchen, gym, locker rooms, a "quiet" room, personizable consoles, natural light and fresh air intake, and other envirmental amenities that silently help a stressed dispatcher. Future expansions could house a radio shop, larger training facilities to host regional communications classs, a garage for the Field Com and any other deployment equipment.

A fresh start, done right, could improve the reputation of the communications service by not having them affiliated with other parts of the agency. I know the "Battalion Chiefs" do a great job now, but what they do at incidents should really be done by an extension of the Dispatcher. At smaller scale large incidents, a 60 Control (trained) dispatcher, Shift Lt. or Capt., could respond to the scene in an SUV to help with mutual aid accountability, and take some of the load off the Communications Center. At large incidents, they could respond with the Field Comm unit. A formal Incident Management Team could be formed, one that is reconized by FEMA, and be deployed to natural and manmade disasters.

A shared MDC (Mobile Data Computer) system could be shared, giving all departments unified information. Departments wishing to keep their own PSAP (public safety answering point) could at least share the same CAD system. Having EMD/EPD/EFD ProQA Question software, as well as pre arrival instructions for all 3, could enhance and create a standard for the information obtained for each specific incident. Additionally, pre arrival instructions could be given for different fire, police, and EMS scenarios.

This can be done. By people (in the field, offices, and our legislators) with open minds, and dedication towards delivering top quality emergency communcations a top priority. A solid plan with reachable, reasonable goals over time could illustrate this and make it a reality. Both agencies need a new, modern communications center to serve THE PUBLIC AND THE AGENCIES needs, as well as themselves, and this is a true oppurtunity for a fresh start.

firedude, sfrd18 and PEMO3 like this

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Interesting thought. If done as a separate county 911 center it may be feasible. I don't see the benefits of spinning off the two radio rooms as a separate agency under the current model.

Eliminate all the PSAP's and create a single, state-of-the-art 911 communications center. All 911 calls (wired and cellular) should go through it with regional dispatchers for communications zones based upon strategy and volume not which side of the street you live on.

Yonkers and the other big cities with sufficient volume to warrant it could have their own "section" in the center much like Onondaga County where there is a "county section" and a "city section" for Syracuse.

There would of course be some growing pains and compatibility issues but in the long run it could revolutionize communications for the county.

Let my great, great, great, great grandkids know how it works out. :P

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I'm with Helicopper on this one. While on paper it seems like a great idea, do the agencies want to give up their little fiefdoms?? It would be feasible, but, there would have to be a lot of work to get it done.

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I'm with Helicopper on this one. While on paper it seems like a great idea, do the agencies want to give up their little fiefdoms?? It would be feasible, but, there would have to be a lot of work to get it done.

Totally agree. TOO MUCH POLITICS INVOLVED !! As long as those agencies who handle their own dispatching wanting to continue to hang on to their own operations, this will never happen in our lifetimes (similiar in nature to the consolidation of Emergency Service/Fire Service Operations thorughout Westchester CountyO

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So get all the local PASPS currently at the PDs into one room, with all the FDs and EMS dispatch all in that same room? Heck while you're at it, make it the E.O.C. for the County with extra room to accommodate the personnel that would be activated in case of a Westchester County state of emergency? Large flat screens on the walls with real time locators of incidents, units active on scenes, GPS devices and CAD computers in all fire apparatus....lots and lots of technology.

How progressive!

Add an adjacent public relations room with large windows looking out onto the communications room, for the TV cameras and reporters to locate and get real time information out to the public via a PIO, and a podium for the politicians to speak and calm the people in times of crisis. Guaranteed to garner interest if you offer the politicos a place to get IFO the cameras!

And finally, any reporters who want premium access need only show their current EMTBravo membership card. lol

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