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Las Vegas Metro Police "Cadet Program"

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This seams like an awesome program. Like an explorer post, but better.


Under immediate supervision, learns and performs entry level work of routine difficulty in the Patrol and Detention Services Divisions of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department; and performs related work as required.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

Cadets who have not reached the age of 21 will serve a two (2) year probationary period. Any Cadet who has served two (2) years in the program, but has not reached the age of 21, will remain in the program but will no longer be a probationary employee. Cadets who have served two (2) years of employment as a Cadet, and have reached the age of 21, shall execute a contingent resignation that will take effect upon the completion of the background investigation that is utilized for Cadets who plan to enter the Recruit Academy. In the event the Cadet is denied acceptance into the Police or Corrections Recruit Academy for reasons that may disqualify them from a commissioned position, the Cadet may not return to the Cadet program, but may compete for other non-commissioned positions. Cadets who have reached the age of 21, but have not completed the two year probationary period, may apply to enter into the Police or Corrections Recruit Academy in the same manner as Cadets who have completed the two year probationary period, providing they have completed at least one year as a Cadet.

Hiring in this class is on a temporary basis for training purposes. Successful completion of the Cadet program and appropriate medical and psychological testing will culminate in placement in either the LVMPD Police or Corrections Academy, provided the appointee has reached his/her 21st birthday. Upon successful completion of the Cadet program, the Cadet may have the option of attending either the Police or Corrections Academy, providing there are sufficient vacancies. Otherwise, the Cadet will be placed in either Academy based on operational need.

Cadets do not possess police powers or carry firearms.

Full Cadet Job Description

Las Vegas Metro Police Department

Cadet Guide

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Interesting the different "Cadet" programs that are around the country. I know LAPD turned their Explorers into Cadets for name purposes (the city council didn't agree with Boy Scouts' policies on discrimination, etc) but they still perform the same tasks. That was the biggest program in the country. A TON of CT and MA posts are calling themselves Cadets as well because they're tired of BSA. The Cadet Police Academy for the Northeast has been created to replace the Explorer Police Academy, because BSA used to take a significant portion of the profits and give them to regular Boy Scout groups. Its just interesting how there's so many different definitions of Cadet.

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