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Rye - Water Rescue - 10/12/11

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Date: 10/21/2011

Time: 1345hrs

Location: Long Island Sound - off Rye Coast

Frequency: 155.625 (RPD), 155.310 (WCPD), 155.755 (VMPD), Marine VHF Channels

Units Operating: Marine Units from Rye PD, Mamaroneck Village PD, Greenwich PD, WCPD, NYPD, USCG / WCPD Air 2 / PCRRBEMS 77A4

Weather Conditions: Cloudy, windy (25 knotts), (68 Degree water temp)

Description Of Incident: 3 people fishing became surround by the rising tide. Resident on land spotted them and called 911.

Reporters: firedude

Writer: firedude

Rye Patch Article with Excelent Video (MUST WATCH!)

If anyone has anything to add, PM me.

Edited by firedude
sfrd18, Dinosaur and PFDRes47cue like this

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