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Hose dangling from fire truck injures bystander

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You can barely see it hit the person, but it gave them one hell of a ride...


edit: fixed broken link

Edited by JohnnyOV

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Wow. I remember the same thing happening in Cambridge a while back.

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This is more common than most members would like to admit. This is also the reason that NFPA 1901 now requires all new apparatus to cover/secure all hose.

When we started to do this, members complained, but also a number were able to recall a number of seperate incidents of deployed hose.

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This is why there should be some type of hose restraint. (Oh yeah, the 2.5 seconds to remove it might make a significant difference in saving someone or something and the $2.50 bungie cord will put us over budget).

A few years ago, a young girl was killed when struck in the head by the nozzle on a hose that had fallen and was being dragged. (10 y/o Coraopolis, Pa).

Edited by 50-65

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  On 10/7/2011 at 7:24 PM, sfrd18 said:

Wow. I remember the same thing happening in Cambridge a while back.

And that lady died.

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  On 10/8/2011 at 0:21 AM, 50-65 said:

And that lady died.


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Always sad to hear when this happens. The PA incident was truly a tragedy as from what reports I've read and heard was the the girls saw the fire apparatus and ran to see it as most kids do. It was that incident that was one of the biggest motivations for the NFPA 1901 committee to add the covers for all hose on apparatus. And despite the documentation of fatalities, injuries and even the insurance costs for damages to vehicles and buildings there are those who whine about them. As the brother adds no time in the gist of things to remove them and the rear bed is a tarp that hangs for the most part. I can remember as a kid when apparatus had extinguishers mounted on the bumpers and seeing those things go flying when rounding a corner and they were eventually removed more and more and couldn't tell you the last time I saw one like that. But that lovely word..."tradition"

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When you've got 15 minute response times you shouldn't complain about the time it takes to do anything.

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  On 10/16/2011 at 3:39 PM, Dinosaur said:

When you've got 15 minute response times you shouldn't complain about the time it takes to do anything.

Huh? Sorry but I don't know what it is to have 15 minute response times so I'm not getting your point.

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  On 10/17/2011 at 2:22 PM, alsfirefighter said:

Huh? Sorry but I don't know what it is to have 15 minute response times so I'm not getting your point.

I think he's saying that what is a few extra seconds to undo a hose cover, when you're already taking 15 minutes to get to a fire. At that point, all is pretty much lost already, depending on the scenario.

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  On 10/7/2011 at 11:41 PM, Bnechis said:

When we started to do this, members complained, but also a number were able to recall a number of seperate incidents of deployed hose.

Then let them complain as they pick up and repack 1000' of 2 1/2" hose. First inspect every hose and then replace the damaged lengths. Don't forget to get the #'s. Do the out of service card on the hose and send it to the shop.

I've seen cross lays play out while the rig was moving.

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