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We're proud to announce our newest website and endeavor,

We hope to use this site to bring EMTBravo back to it's roots. On this site, you'll find a simple listing of benefit and charity events, training and seminars, and other relevant news, events, and information in a simple, easy to read format.

To submit news or an event, please email:

We hope you like our newest endeavor!


Seth G.

Executive Director

The EMTBravo Group

sfrd18, PEMO3, firedude and 5 others like this

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We are now looking for and accepting the following information:

-Quote Of The Week (Please credit original source)

-Information requests

As someone or a business that would like to be a Monthly Site Sponsor (will change every month, ideally)

Email any and all information to

And don't forget to check out our growing Facebook page:

Thanks you all for your support so far!

Seth G.


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The e-mail link for the quote of the week doesn't work. So I'm nominating Chief Raftery for the following:

We should bring back the Bangor Ladder because it takes 6 men to raise it and that would mean we would need 6-man Ladder Companies.

The Detroit Door Opener will make a comeback, too. It will be renamed the Motown Doorknob Remover and Terrazzo Cracker.

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Got a quote for this week.

BTW, those links are working for me.

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EMTBravoIMPACT is continuing to grow. I hope that people are getting something from it, and we will be improving and tweaking the concept over time.

We ask that you "Like" us on Facebook (you can Like us directly from the EMTBravoImpact.comsite), and help us spread the word about the site.

All information can be submitted to

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