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Yonkers - 2nd Alarm 09-19-11

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Date: 09-19-11

Time: 10:05 (approximately)

Location: 78 Orchard Street, c/s HIgh St and Moquette Row South

Frequency: 484.7125

Units Operating: YFD, YPD, Empress EMS

Weather Conditions: clear, cool

Description Of Incident: Fire throughout 2 story frame structure. All-hands on arrival by Batt. 2. Several first due companies already committed to fire at nearby nursing home.

(additional run-down info to follow)

10:15 - Second alarm - Squad 11 (FAST), E314, L70, MSU (with delay), Car 2

10:18 - Car 2 assuming command. Exposure 1 = street, exposure 2 = 2 story frame separated by 5 foot alley, exposure 3 = rear yard, exposure 4 = attached vacant 2 story frame. All companies working.

10:22 - Car 2 directs E314 to secure large main hydrant at Nepperhan and Myrtle and replace E314 on the 2nd Alarm. E313 replacing 314 on 2nd alarm and enter scene from Ashburton Ave on Orchard St.

10:30 - Batt 2 reports main bodies of fire knocked down on all floors and basement. Companies continue to open up.

Reporters: helicopper


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