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Westchester County Department of Emergency Services Apparatus

18 posts in this topic

Apparatus of Westchester County Department of Emergency Services

Engine 7, Ladder 7 and Utility 3 are part of the Fire Brigade that responds

to alarms at Westchester Medical Center and a few surrounding facilities.

Engine 8 is a backup to Engine 7 in the event that this is Out of Service.

Otherwise Engine 8 is used for training.










FF398, x129K, PCFD ENG58 and 4 others like this

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WOW!!! Great Shots Joe! Will these be featured in FAJ? And when was U103 put into service? What does it carry?

Edited by firedude

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Awesome photos!

That Hahn(?) is in beautful condition! Almost seems it was spec'd to be a training engine.

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Awesome photos!

That Hahn(?) is in beautful condition! Almost seems it was spec'd to be a training engine.

Great shots again! That Hahn is in great condition. If I'm not mistaken, it looks like Rye's old Engine 194 out of the Milton Point Firehouse. Also, I see Syosset, L.I.'s old Tech. Rescue.

firedude likes this

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Awesome photos!

That Hahn(?) is in beautful condition! Almost seems it was spec'd to be a training engine.

I was told Rye donated it because it was junk and too costly to keep inservice.

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I was told Rye donated it because it was junk and too costly to keep inservice.

It looked like it was in pretty decent shape when I was there. That is way better then Engine 7 is now!

Remember the old green ladder and old FDNY Mack (and the engine before that?). LOL.

I would have thought that the County could afford another Engine designed for training (or quint), like so many other academies can, but I guess not now.

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Apparatus of Westchester County Department of Emergency Services

Engine 7, Ladder 7 and Utility 3 are part of the Fire Brigade that responds

to alarms at Westchester Medical Center and a few surrounding facilities.

Engine 8 is a backup to Engine 7 in the event that this is Out of Service.

Otherwise Engine 8 is used for training.

Can anyone tell me what the purpose the Special Operations Scene Support Unit is? It is HUGE!

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Engine 8 was 191, turned into 193 in 1994 wihen a new Pierce was purchased. It was then designated as 194 when a Seagrave replaced the Sutphen, the new 193. We replaced the leaky split rims with solid rims and new tires. It is a great pumping rig that just had no use for the city as a second spare.

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I saw the Hahn in person in the spring. Typical Hahn, rust in the wheel wells, most of the body looked solid.

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Can anyone tell me what the purpose the Special Operations Scene Support Unit is? It is HUGE!

They needed to fill an empty bay in the garage. :lol: On a serious note, it looks like an MCI support unit based on all the material I have been able to see online. To be honest it things like this should not be kept secret and made common knowledge so that everyone knows the resources available and their capabilities. With the capabilities of the internet these days DES should create a web page(s) dedicated to each specialty vehicle an detail the capabilities of each. It would prove of enormous value to everyone concerned and show the public how their dollars are spent.

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Great photos. i'm amazed that DES doesn't bring let each Dept in the county train on these and become a little for familiar with these pieces of apparatus, and when they would be needed. Also Doesn't DES have a Group of Gators?

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Great photos. i'm amazed that DES doesn't bring let each Dept in the county train on these and become a little for familiar with these pieces of apparatus, and when they would be needed. Also Doesn't DES have a Group of Gators?

Yes they have gators and they allow depts to come up and train on them, but no one ever goes back to their home dept.

I can't imagin why?


FF398, PEMO3 and SteveOFD like this

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There are many special operations resources, equipment and apparatus throughout the county, to which the County DES should publish, make available, provide training, and make available to all departments (regardless of Paid or Volly) if needed (No matter if the Equipment is up at the Valhalla Facility or spread out throughout the county). Shared Resources SAVE MONEY, TAXES and potentially PROPERTY AND LIVES !!!

They needed to fill an empty bay in the garage. :lol: On a serious note, it looks like an MCI support unit based on all the material I have been able to see online. To be honest it things like this should not be kept secret and made common knowledge so that everyone knows the resources available and their capabilities. With the capabilities of the internet these days DES should create a web page(s) dedicated to each specialty vehicle an detail the capabilities of each. It would prove of enormous value to everyone concerned and show the public how their dollars are spent.

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I may have posted this before, but Rockland County publishes annually a booklet listing all of the fire resources available in the County.

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To add to this thread about DES Appartus I have a few more pictures I took awhile ago.


Utility 78 Freightliner Flatbed


Utility 87 Ford F350 Four Door Pickup


Utility 106 Ford F350 Rack Body

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While taking a class at the FTC last month I snapped some pictures of an interesting piece of equipment the DES has acquired. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.







This Communications Trailer is located at the South end of the Training Center near the Pump Test Shed and appears to be labeled Utility 131.

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So WTF is it and what does it do?

Looks to me like a mobile cell/radio tower.

I wish the county had a "come take a look at all of our toys day" one day...

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