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Learning From Photos And Incidents Posted On Ths Site

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It seems like our policies need clarification to some members.

In regards to Incident Photos posted in the Incident Photo section, we're not going to pick those photos apart as they are posted as a a sort of "news" type of format, and we want as many photographers as possible to post their photos without retribution.

In regards to a photo submitted to this site showing a clearly dangerous action, the message on sums it up nicely:

Someone once said that a picture is worth a thousand words... the (FIREFIGHTERCLOSECALLS.COM GALLERY SECTION purpose is to HELP US ALL THINK about how we operate. We clearly understand that some pictures DO NOT always show the entire scenario-and these pictures aren't here for entertainment-they are here to help us learn. We try to be careful when selecting the photos that you send us... however, on the other hand, if these photos provide insight to similar conditions that any FF may encounter, that picture may make a big difference moments later to another FF--and that's why this section is here.

And another tidbit, in this case replace FirefighterCloseCalls with

if any of the information on helped you AVERT or AVOID an incident! We'll publish them with or without your FD's name and specific details... the point is: Get info out so we can continue to AVOID and AVERT the bad stuff!

So, in relation to this site, we're not generally encouraging it, but a photograhper may post a photo, or an officer or firefighter may posts a photo with the photographers permission.The person making the post should not be attacked, and any issue should be handled using the "Report Post" feature. The department and individuals involved should not be disccused or "bashed", and every attempt to blur out names and markings should be made. The staff can help you with that. Nor will we allow a malicous photo to be posted, and inflammatory posts or "one liners" will be deleted.

The above also relates to IC's or officers who want to share their experience without photos to enhance firefighter safety.

Seth G.

Executive Director, EMTBravo

P.S. We are looking at a way we can build an intergrated "Safety" section for sharing the above that won't offend members or create ruckus for the staff. Any ideas on that should be emailed to me at

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