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FDNY Special Units Replacement Questions

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Just a few questions for the members who can answer it:

FDNY has ordered a significant number of Engine, Trucks, and Rescues. I assume most of this has to do with the 10 year frontline lifespan.

A couple questions about that:

Are the Tactical Support Units still used or relevant? It seems the new rescues and collapse rescues can take on many of it's roles. How are they staffed, and if still used, are they due for replacement?

The Mask Service Units. These trucks must be ready for replacement since the newest unit is 10 years old.

Are the High Rise units still in operation, and scheduled for replacement?

And finally, is the FieldCom unit still staffed and respond to certain jobs? (the Frieghtliner...formerly the Mack R)

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Good question x635.

The Tactical Support Units(T.S.U.'s) are most definitely still in service. I believe that they respond on either every 2nd or 3rd Alarm fire, or by special call/request. The Rescues and Squads usually go on the 10-75(Working Fire) and the Collapse Rescue Units mainly go on collapse rescue incidents, 10-60's(Major Emergencies), 10-66's(Injured, Missing, Trapped, or Lost Firefighters), and upon special call/request. I'm not sure how they are staffed, but they don't get a lot of wear and tear, so they most likely won't see replacement for at least a few years.

The Mask Service Units(M.S.U.'s) respond on all 10-76's(High-Rise Office/Hotel Fires) and upon special call/request, and possibly on a certain alarm level. I'd imagine that they probably won't be replaced soon, as they aren't used a lot, and certainly not as much as the non-special unit fleet(engines, ladders, squads, rescues, battalions, divisions, etc.).

The High-Rise Units(H.R.U.'s) are still in operation, with High-Rise Unit 1 at Engine 3/Ladder 12/Battalion 7 and High-Rise Unit 2 at Engine 39/Ladder 16, all of which are in Midtown/Uptown Manhattan. They go out on all 10-76's and 10-77's(High-Rise M/D Fires), or, again, upon special call/request. The High-Rise units are both 2002 Mack MR/Saulsbury's and again, like the Mask Service Units and the T.S.U.'s, probably won't get replaced for a while as they don't see a heck of a lot of work or wear and tear.

The Field Communications(FieldComm.) Unit is staffed by a firefighter and an officer(possibly a captain) and responds on a certain alarm level(either 3rd or 4th I think), or upon special call/request.

Hope this helps. Maybe another member can help you out with how each unit is staffed, etc.

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Field Comm responds on second alarms (third alarm for brush fires). The T.S.U.'s respond on second alarms.

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Field Comm is staffed by an officer and two Dispatchers. They respond on all 10-77's 10-76's Multiple Alarms, and other major stuff. The Mack is still around as a spare, I think. They have the Freightliner and a Sprinter as FC-2. Tac Units respond on all multiples, and certain alarms under the SOC Matrix(Person in the water, building collapses, etc.). I have to agree that I don't see the Mask Service Units being replaced for a few more years because they don't take the beatings that frontline rigs do. As far as the Tac Units go, probably a few more years, as they are both only 9 years old. But they are both doing at least 2-3 runs a day.

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TSU has one SOC Firefighter.

Don't forget the MSU rigs spend their day making the rounds to the cylinder depots throughout the city every day (at least one per battalion)

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TSU has one SOC Firefighter.

Don't forget the MSU rigs spend their day making the rounds to the cylinder depots throughout the city every day (at least one per battalion)

True, they're pretty beat up. Also, they lost one rig on 9/11 and it was never replaced, so the remaining three have been picking up the slack. Can't be too big a deal to replace them, it's basically a beverage delivery truck with racks for cylinders.

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