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Seven jobs that will make you sick

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5. Firefighters

> Risk: heart attack

> Cause: physical and psychological stress, exposure to toxic elements

> Median annual wage: $45,520

It is not fire or smoke inhalation that is the number one irregular cause of death among firefighters, but heart attacks. When fighting a fire, the chance that a firefighter will have a heart attack increases up to 100 times the normal rate. Even when they aren’t fighting fires, firefighters are at a higher risk of heart attack, a report from Harvard School of Public Health shows. Risk of heart attack is increased for firefighters when they respond to an alarm, return from an incident, or engage in physical activity, including training. The occupation of firefighter, by nature, entails dealing with extreme heat, exposure to toxic substances, and causes high levels of psychological and physiological stress.

Median annual wage: $45,520. The fifth most toxic job. And for this we are attacked for our pensions, our health benefits, and general insults from an ignorant public that accuses us of just about everything. I always loved the comment "Did you save a cat from a tree?" Answer...."F no I hate cats." I remember after a job once I was exhausted and "cherry red." The VAC member that checked me out told me my blood pressure was 210/110. He asked out loud, "Wow and you're alive?" Uhhh...I think so...for now anyway.

BFD1054, sfrd18, FDNY 10-75 and 2 others like this

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Many years ago I spoke with a medical resident who was involved FF stress, theymeasured heart rate andB/P on FF's responding to alarms and found #'s that were of the chart. The resident looked at me and said don'tride the back step(it was a long time ago!) as it results inelevated heart rate and B/P--- So Sayeth an old timer!!!

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Median annual wage: $45,520.

I'm assuming that's a national Median annual wage? I think Metro-tri-state area pays better then that in most cases?

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I'm assuming that's a national Median annual wage? I think Metro-tri-state area pays better then that in most cases?

Well yeah. And the house prices are quadruple than most places in the country, local taxes that even firefighters pay are much higher, NY has some of the highest prices of gasoline in the country, then don't forget about local sales tax, tolls on just about every bridge, tunnel, thruway.....Professional fees for doctors, dentists are higher......I guess I made my point.

Edit: removed cause it ain't funny.

Edited by efdcapt115

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...I never could understand emergency services rescuing "aerial-tendency cats"

Cats don't need "saving" from trees.

Otherwise our treetops would be littered with cat corpses.

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...I never could understand emergency services rescuing "aerial-tendency cats"

Cats don't need "saving" from trees.

Otherwise our treetops would be littered with cat corpses.

Good one Jack! Did I ever tell you the story about the parrot that escaped and flew up to the top of about a 200 foot tall Oak tree? Woman calls up despondent, just had brain surgery, now her bird is at the top of the tree IFO her house. We ride over with the duty car and an engine. I tell the guys to pull an 1 3/4 and shoot the bird. The guys are looking at me like what did he say? Nevertheless they pull the line, charge it and shoot way the hell up into the tree. You needed binoculars to see this parrot, that's how high up it was. What happens? Nothing. They repack, we pick up and leave. Get back to the firehouse, woman calls and says "as soon you left, the bird flew down and went right into his cage" she had set up on the front porch. Go figure. And she was was very grateful. The end.

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