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Talking To Kids About 9/11

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Tough topic...especially to our little ones who were born post 9/11....

I remember a few years back, my son and I were building Lincoln Log towers...not WTC's, but just stacking them to see who could make one the highest...I got up to get something and came back to see him knocking them down with a toy airplane...I basically flipped on him...but caught myself whan I realized he had NO IDEA about that day...he was just "making stuff and breaking stuff", as little boys do...

He knows a bit of history about that day...and will learn more once the 9/11 display comes to DCC...I also saved the documentary filmed by the French brothers...the one that starts with the manhole/gas leak out own JBE dispacthed..I want him to watch that someday..but not yet....I want to maintain what little innocence he still has a bit longer..

On the plus side - his love of planes and flying is growing daily - and he wants to go to flight school someday...I told him he can get it for the Air Force! LOL (I am hoping he becomes a Marine!)

Edited by x129K
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