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Playland-Muslims Riot over "Hijab" wearing

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Yes, there may indeed be good Moslems. What does Sharia law say about them should they speak out to infidels against Islam?

About as many as spoke out after the attacks on America on 9/11. Not counting the ones in Gaza who were dancing in the streets.

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I actually was in the area when this happened. I went over to see what happened, to only be kicked out of the area by county police. I have to agree with you... rules are rules. By the way, units from as far sounth as NYC came. The response was huge.

Does anyone know what a code "Blue" is... it was sent over the hotline.

Rye Patch Article and Video

The Rye Daily Article

Staging Area:



The Photos I took can be found here.

Nice photos, in all of them i only spotted 1 ambulance, i assume there must of been more there? Were they staging somewhere?

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My family wants to go to Playland today, I'm not from Westchester, was wondering if there is any reason not to go this afternoon, I assume things have settled down there. Anyone know what its like there the last couple of days? Thanks.


Other then some I-95 traffic... today is a perfect day to go.

Nice photos, in all of them i only spotted 1 ambulance, i assume there must of been more there? Were they staging somewhere?

Thank you! I only saw 1 ambulance, 1 Medic Flycar and Playland EMTs. But according to others, there were 2 ambulances there. They staged at the enterence until the scene was deemed safe. I do not know if anyone was transported.

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Other then some I-95 traffic... today is a perfect day to go.

Thank you! I only saw 1 ambulance, 1 Medic Flycar and Playland EMTs. But according to others, there were 2 ambulances there. They staged at the enterence until the scene was deemed safe. I do not know if anyone was transported.

They should have brought up a few ICE transporters. I betcha they would have had a few "Transports."

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Aug.15, 1974 was my first AT Playland !!!!!!!!

Let me guess; you graduated from middle school. Didn't you recently pen the book "It Only Took Me 12 Years to Graduate Middle School"?

Edited by efdcapt115
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Gotta watch out for these islamic groups, they are trying to take the world over. Its happening in countries all over the world. they even are starting to take over some American prisons (Muslim brotherhood)

This is a ridiculous blanket statement, and this along with comparing the Muslim brotherhood to the vast majority of Muslims shows that you have only a vague and/or slanted understanding of Islam.

Look, I agree that the rules are the rules and that no one, regardless of their religious practices, should be exempt from rules that are designed simply to keep them safe. Its obvious that head coverings of the kind at issue here would be dangerous on a number of rides in the park as they could become caught in tracks, etc. And I agree that the event organizers, having been informed of these rules, didn't do a very good job of communicating this to event goers ahead of time. You'll get no argument from me that this is largely to blame for this incident occurring in the first place. But I also know from accounts of people who were there (and no one has mentioned this possibility so far) that the park rangers involved in the initial altercation didn't do a very good job of diffusing the situation. It's mentioned in one of the articles cited here that they pushed some of the women who confronted them which, unless they truly felt threatened (and come on, seriously?), just seems like a really bad idea. Putting your hands on a woman in a confrontational way in front of her husband or any male relative would surely escalate any situation regardless of the religious persuasions of those involved. Oh and by the way, those rangers are totally fine.

Long and short? I'm saying that there's blame to be placed pretty equally on both sides of this situation. And chalking this up as some kind of anti-American Islamic riot or an attempt to impose Sharia law in the US is just completely absurd. It was the unfortunate result of poor planning and poor communication, nothing more. This could have happened with a Jewish group, a Sikh group, or anyone else who's religious beliefs happened to conflict in any way with park rules. Making this out to be the fault of Muslim "animals" trying to take over our country as many of you have just makes you sound like close-minded buffoons. Sorry, but it's the truth. Should we blindly adopt some of their more out-dated (and little-followed) views as our own without questioning them? Absolutely not. But should we, by the same token, write off all their beliefs as "savage" and demand that they give them up without first questioning that logic? Absolutely not. A little cultural sensitivity isn't the same as being stupidly "PC" and a little worldly education goes a long way in averting this kind of incident.

Bring on the hate, I know it's coming.

Edited by PR5012

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This is a ridiculous blanket statement, and this along with comparing the Muslim brotherhood to the vast majority of Muslims shows that you have only a vague and/or slanted understanding of Islam.

Look, I agree that the rules are the rules and that no one, regardless of their religious practices, should be exempt from rules that are designed simply to keep them safe. Its obvious that head coverings of the kind at issue here would be dangerous on a number of rides in the park as they could become caught in tracks, etc. And I agree that the event organizers, having been informed of these rules, didn't do a very good job of communicating this to event goers ahead of time. You'll get no argument from me that this is largely to blame for this incident occurring in the first place. But I also know from accounts of people who were there (and no one has mentioned this possibility so far) that the park rangers involved in the initial altercation didn't do a very good job of diffusing the situation. It's mentioned in one of the articles cited here that they pushed some of the women who confronted them which, unless they truly felt threatened (and come on, seriously?), just seems like a really bad idea. Putting your hands on a woman in a confrontational way in front of her husband or any male relative would surely escalate any situation regardless of the religious persuasions of those involved. Oh and by the way, those rangers are totally fine.

Long and short? I'm saying that there's blame to be placed pretty equally on both sides of this situation. And chalking this up as some kind of anti-American Islamic riot or an attempt to impose Sharia law in the US is just completely absurd. It was the unfortunate result of poor planning and poor communication, nothing more. This could have happened with a Jewish group, a Sikh group, or anyone else who's religious beliefs happened to conflict in any way with park rules. Making this out to be the fault of Muslim "animals" trying to take over our country as many of you have just makes you sound like close-minded buffoons. Sorry, but it's the truth. Should we blindly adopt some of their more out-dated (and little-followed) views as our own without questioning them? Absolutely not. But should we, by the same token, write off all their beliefs as "savage" and demand that they give them up without first questioning that logic? Absolutely not. A little cultural sensitivity isn't the same as being stupidly "PC" and a little worldly education goes a long way in averting this kind of incident.

Bring on the hate, I know it's coming.

If you say so.

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If you say so.

I do. But it's not just me bro, go talk to any average Muslim about these issues. I think you'll find that they're not all Al-Qaeda sympathizers.

Edited by PR5012

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I do. But it's not just me bro, go talk to any average Muslim about these issues. I think you'll find that they're not all Al-Qaeda sympathizers.

If they were would they tell you?

Just a guy, FFFORD and firedude like this

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So by some peoples thinking here every Muslim is part of Al-Qaeda, so then by that reason every Italian is in the Mafia; every Irish person is a drunk; every Mexican is a border jumper.

If that is the train of thought some of you have? I find that very embarrassing that people in 2011 think this way. Yes I understand their beliefs and there way of life, and I am sure there are many that follow the religion but do not follow Sharia law. How many of you are Roman Catholic and how many of you follow the Ten Commandments.

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Other then some I-95 traffic... today is a perfect day to go.

You were right, it was a very good day to go, and we only hit a little bit of traffic.

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But I also know from accounts of people who were there (and no one has mentioned this possibility so far) that the park rangers involved in the initial altercation didn't do a very good job of diffusing the situation. It's mentioned in one of the articles cited here that they pushed some of the women who confronted them which, unless they truly felt threatened (and come on, seriously?), just seems like a really bad idea. Putting your hands on a woman in a confrontational way in front of her husband or any male relative would surely escalate any situation regardless of the religious persuasions of those involved. Oh and by the way, those rangers are totally fine.

Actually the last line is what really gets me. They are supposed to be fine they are not supposed to take a beating. They are supposed to call for enough help to quell the situation. I'm really wondering what tactics you would advise to diffuse the situation? It's the same thing we hear about DJ Henry or an incident in Yonkers. A proper use of force and police procedure is not a pretty thing to watch but that dosen't make it wrong and it usually results after the offending party or parties fail to comply with numerous lawful orders. I for one am glad the rangers and all those there doing their job are fine.

SageVigiles, JM15, BFD1054 and 7 others like this

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Actually the last line is what really gets me. They are supposed to be fine they are not supposed to take a beating. They are supposed to call for enough help to quell the situation. I'm really wondering what tactics you would advise to diffuse the situation? It's the same thing we hear about DJ Henry or an incident in Yonkers. A proper use of force and police procedure is not a pretty thing to watch but that dosen't make it wrong and it usually results after the offending party or parties fail to comply with numerous lawful orders. I for one am glad the rangers and all those there doing their job are fine.

Nice to see someone getting their priorities straight; this IS an emergency services forum. Everyone went home.

If anyone wants to discuss the finer points of Sharia law, or what the 'average Muslim' believes, there are numerous religious fora for that.


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I do. But it's not just me bro, go talk to any average Muslim about these issues. I think you'll find that they're not all Al-Qaeda sympathizers.

Let me ask you this, How come i never see any of these "average Muslims" publicly talking down against terrorism in and or against the US and other Nations?

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Folks, a rare treat...... this is probably the most intelligent point that I have read on this site in the last two years. And in the same thread, another poster directs those ignorant of Islam to learn from the unquestionable source for all things factual- Youtube!!! Classic, and one of the dumbest things I have read on here in two years. Why not add Wikipedia as well? You can go on Youtube and find all kinds of groups (or "friends" thereof) that post junk. I can't beleive that after all these years, there are still people that believe that "it's on the internet, so it must be true".

Kudos to PR 5012 for having the fortitude to make this post. I agree with what he says, and some of you guys need to just calm down. Where's that negativity policy that is supposed to be enforced around here? Most of these posts are not commentary on the incident or the operation.

This is a ridiculous blanket statement, and this along with comparing the Muslim brotherhood to the vast majority of Muslims shows that you have only a vague and/or slanted understanding of Islam.

Look, I agree that the rules are the rules and that no one, regardless of their religious practices, should be exempt from rules that are designed simply to keep them safe. Its obvious that head coverings of the kind at issue here would be dangerous on a number of rides in the park as they could become caught in tracks, etc. And I agree that the event organizers, having been informed of these rules, didn't do a very good job of communicating this to event goers ahead of time. You'll get no argument from me that this is largely to blame for this incident occurring in the first place. But I also know from accounts of people who were there (and no one has mentioned this possibility so far) that the park rangers involved in the initial altercation didn't do a very good job of diffusing the situation. It's mentioned in one of the articles cited here that they pushed some of the women who confronted them which, unless they truly felt threatened (and come on, seriously?), just seems like a really bad idea. Putting your hands on a woman in a confrontational way in front of her husband or any male relative would surely escalate any situation regardless of the religious persuasions of those involved. Oh and by the way, those rangers are totally fine.

Long and short? I'm saying that there's blame to be placed pretty equally on both sides of this situation. And chalking this up as some kind of anti-American Islamic riot or an attempt to impose Sharia law in the US is just completely absurd. It was the unfortunate result of poor planning and poor communication, nothing more. This could have happened with a Jewish group, a Sikh group, or anyone else who's religious beliefs happened to conflict in any way with park rules. Making this out to be the fault of Muslim "animals" trying to take over our country as many of you have just makes you sound like close-minded buffoons. Sorry, but it's the truth. Should we blindly adopt some of their more out-dated (and little-followed) views as our own without questioning them? Absolutely not. But should we, by the same token, write off all their beliefs as "savage" and demand that they give them up without first questioning that logic? Absolutely not. A little cultural sensitivity isn't the same as being stupidly "PC" and a little worldly education goes a long way in averting this kind of incident.

Bring on the hate, I know it's coming.

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Let me ask you this, How come i never see any of these "average Muslims" publicly talking down against terrorism in and or against the US and other Nations?

You mean like this:

or this:

I think you speak from a position ignorance, bigotry and intolerance rather than one tolerance, understanding and acceptance, and frankly that is just as dangerous.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."-Martin Luther King Jr

"Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility for real peace"-Dalai Lama

"Fear always springs from ignorance"-Ralph Waldo Emerson

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You mean like this:

or this:

I think you speak from a position ignorance, bigotry and intolerance rather than one tolerance, understanding and acceptance, and frankly that is just as dangerous.

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than a sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity."-Martin Luther King Jr

"Where ignorance is our master, there is no possibility for real peace"-Dalai Lama

"Fear always springs from ignorance"-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I think you need to get out of your safe America bubble. 2 videos. terrific, We should be seeing this everyday on tv. GB vid is older than dirt. cnn days.

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Journal News

RYE — Tuesday's melee at Playland Amusement Park could have been avoided had police shown more restraint in dealing with angry park-goers, a leader of The Muslim American Society of New York said Thursday.

Of course it's the PD's fault!

efdcapt115, x129K, firedude and 1 other like this

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Muslim religion and Islam are two different entities. I fear one, I watch the other like a hawk.

1993- The first WTC bombing is all but forgotten, along with "The Blind Cleric"

2001- Who flew into the WTC, Ralph Waldo Emerson?

2011- Bin Ladin is dead, but radical Islam is alive and flourishing.

efdcapt115, BFD1054, PEMO3 and 3 others like this

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Journal News

RYE — Tuesday's melee at Playland Amusement Park could have been avoided had police shown more restraint in dealing with angry park-goers, a leader of The Muslim American Society of New York said Thursday.

Of course it's the PD's fault!

Of course. Totally ignore the fact that reports suggest the park rangers were breaking up a fight BETWEEN group members when they got hurt, and the fact you were told about the regulations and CHOSE to ignore them.

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Let me ask you this, How come i never see any of these "average Muslims" publicly talking down against terrorism in and or against the US and other Nations?

Come on now, who's going to publicize it? Same problem with blacks speaking out against violence in their community, democrats preaching fiscal responsibility, and republican's backing progressive social reforms. They exist in much greater numbers than anyone would suspect watching the news because they go against the stereotypes the media tries so hard to reinforce. The need villains to keep people engaged in the story. This is a gold mine. They've got both cops and Muslims to inflame their readers.

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Muslim religion and Islam are two different entities. I fear one, I watch the other like a hawk.

1993- The first WTC bombing is all but forgotten, along with "The Blind Cleric"

How about Oklahoma City? A lot of people aren't aware of the radical Islamic connection there... Terry Nichols was married to a Filipino mail-order bride and took a trip over there, bringing his buddy Tim with him to "meet the parents." Look into her family's affiliations, and who else was in the same city at the exact same time. The answers may surprise you. WAY too crazy to be a coincidence.

Anyway, on the actual topic, I'm glad the Rangers were not seriously harmed, particularly since one of them is a friend of mine. Sounds like much ado about nothing. They were told they violated rules and made a big incident by assaulting Peace Officers for media attention/lawsuits/whatever. I won't lose any sleep over the plight of these Muslims not being able to wear headgear on rides.

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There is always a danger in labeling entire groups by the actions of a few. Those in emergency services should know that better then anyone. The media always sensationalizes that linkage. Look at the following examples. Anyone think they are representative of us in general? Below are three examples for each profession. They are all recent and took about 2 minutes to retrieve. My point is, I don't think any of these individuals below truly represent us as a whole? Do you? However, it's going to be these winners who make the news and provide a basis for the public to form a general opinion of us. An opinion that may take a very long time to correct.


(Child sex videos)


(Aggravated Assault w/a Weapon)

Career Firefighters:

(Pulling a gun on his wife and threatening to kill her, her young son and her mother)

(Drug Possession)


Volunteer Firefighters:





(Child sex video)***-charges?redirected=true

(Sexual Assault),0,1856877.story

(Prescription Fraud)

And on a somewhat unrelated note, here are a few links/examples of Muslims in the U.S. Military who died fighting for us. (British Military)

There might be legitimate concerns about the intentions of some Muslims, but again, many on this forum are painting them with a pretty broad brush.

And, while going down this slippery slope, should we discuss those who have committed atrocities in the name of Christianity? People like Timothy McVeigh, Anders Behring Breivik in Norway, Eric Robert Rudolph who purport to use Christianity as rational for their crimes don't represent the other 99.9999% of Christians, do they? I suspect they do not.

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How about Oklahoma City? A lot of people aren't aware of the radical Islamic connection there... Terry Nichols was married to a Filipino mail-order bride and took a trip over there, bringing his buddy Tim with him to "meet the parents." Look into her family's affiliations, and who else was in the same city at the exact same time. The answers may surprise you. WAY too crazy to be a coincidence.

Anyway, on the actual topic, I'm glad the Rangers were not seriously harmed, particularly since one of them is a friend of mine. Sounds like much ado about nothing. They were told they violated rules and made a big incident by assaulting Peace Officers for media attention/lawsuits/whatever. I won't lose any sleep over the plight of these Muslims not being able to wear headgear on rides.

I can answer who was in the Philippines around the same time; his name is Ramzi Yousef. He built and detonated the 1993 bomb at The World Trade Center. Speaking of coincidences, guess who his uncle is; Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Yes that KSM currently being held in Guantanamo; the "brains" behind the 9/11 attacks. Yousef is doing a life without parole gig in a Federal Prison.

Radical Islamists are here to stay in this world. Don't be a dhimi, a multiculturalist, who thinks these Radicals want to assimilate with us "infidels." Their goal is an Islamic Caliphate, the elimination of the ONLY democracy in the middle east; Israel. They want a Caliphate that extends around the world. And according to their holy book, it is just fine to lie and be deceitful toward the "enemy" to achieve their goals.

I'm really surprised by some of you. A mere ten years later, and you guys sound like a bunch of naive liberal college kids...."everything can be worked out, just accept these people...they have no grand plans at world domination."

I have a great place for you to start if you truly give a cr@p and want to LEARN: "1000 YEARS FOR REVENGE" (International Terrorism and The FBI), BY Peter Lance, ReganBooks.

Do some reading, then get back to those of us, who not only remember 9/11 like it was yesterday, but have educated ourselves about the ENEMY ever since.

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I'm really surprised by some of you. A mere ten years later, and you guys sound like a bunch of naive liberal college kids...."everything can be worked out, just accept these people...they have no grand plans at world domination."

I don't think it's a liberal ideology. I think is reasonableness. There are, by most estimates, 1.5-1.7 billion Muslims in the world.

Perhaps we can sum it up with this question:

Do you believe EVERY Muslim is a extremist, bent on the killing of every America and the total destruction of the United States? If your answer is yes, well, no further discussion is necessary. By that logic, you shouldn't be wasting time posting here on Bravo. You should be out getting them before they get you!

I think it is reasonable to assume that there are many Muslims out there who hate Americans, the West, Israel, etc. History has taught us as much. They would like to see great harm done to us. But do I think it's the majority of them? No, I honestly don't. Given their size, if they wanted to do most of what many here suggest they do (domination, annihilation), they probably could have done it already.

I think from a law enforcement, intelligence, and public policy perspective, our time and energy are better spent in identifying true threats, as opposed to discriminating against every Muslim.

SRS131EMTFF and helicopper like this

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I don't think it's a liberal ideology. I think is reasonableness. There are, by most estimates, 1.5-1.7 billion Muslims in the world.

Perhaps we can sum it up with this question:

Do you believe EVERY Muslim is a extremist, bent on the killing of every America and the total destruction of the United States? If your answer is yes, well, no further discussion is necessary. By that logic, you shouldn't be wasting time posting here on Bravo. You should be out getting them before they get you!

I think it is reasonable to assume that there are many Muslims out there who hate Americans, the West, Israel, etc. History has taught us as much. They would like to see great harm done to us. But do I think it's the majority of them? No, I honestly don't. Given their size, if they wanted to do most of what many here suggest they do (domination, annihilation), they probably could have done it already.

I think from a law enforcement, intelligence, and public policy perspective, our time and energy are better spent in identifying true threats, as opposed to discriminating against every Muslim.

Absolutely valid point INIT, no I certainly don't think it's EVERY muslim who believes in Radical Jihad. ut of that 1.5-1.7 billion Muslims, how many percentage wise do you think actually DO believe in violent jihad? if we go conservative and say 5% that's how many? 10% would be 160,000,000 people. So 5% would be 80,000,000 people. I find 5% of their overall population to be a reasonable, acceptable number. What do you say? Is 80 million bent on holy war an accetable estimate?

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I can answer who was in the Philippines around the same time; his name is Ramzi Yousef. He built and detonated the 1993 bomb at The World Trade Center. Speaking of coincidences, guess who his uncle is; Khalid Shaikh Mohammed. Yes that KSM currently being held in Guantanamo; the "brains" behind the 9/11 attacks. Yousef is doing a life without parole gig in a Federal Prison.

Radical Islamists are here to stay in this world. Don't be a dhimi, a multiculturalist, who thinks these Radicals want to assimilate with us "infidels." Their goal is an Islamic Caliphate, the elimination of the ONLY democracy in the middle east; Israel. They want a Caliphate that extends around the world. And according to their holy book, it is just fine to lie and be deceitful toward the "enemy" to achieve their goals.

I'm really surprised by some of you. A mere ten years later, and you guys sound like a bunch of naive liberal college kids...."everything can be worked out, just accept these people...they have no grand plans at world domination."

I have a great place for you to start if you truly give a cr@p and want to LEARN: "1000 YEARS FOR REVENGE" (International Terrorism and The FBI), BY Peter Lance, ReganBooks.

Do some reading, then get back to those of us, who not only remember 9/11 like it was yesterday, but have educated ourselves about the ENEMY ever since.

It's a shame you are retired and moved have so much knowledge to offer us younger guys...thanks for at least sharing it here Sir.

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Absolutely valid point INIT, no I certainly don't think it's EVERY muslim who believes in Radical Jihad. ut of that 1.5-1.7 billion Muslims, how many percentage wise do you think actually DO believe in violent jihad? if we go conservative and say 5% that's how many? 10% would be 160,000,000 people. So 5% would be 80,000,000 people. I find 5% of their overall population to be a reasonable, acceptable number. What do you say? Is 80 million bent on holy war an accetable estimate?


Yes, I think your math makes sense. We'll probably never know the true number, but 5-10% does indeed seem reasonable. And I think we can both agree that no number, bent on Holy War, is acceptable. No one disputes that.

My point was, is it reasonable to treat the other 95% as terrorists? And by treat, I mean, discriminate against them? That was the only point I was trying to convey.

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Once again, we should try to differentiate between the Moslem religion and Islamic radicals. You are accusing some of us of Pigeon-holing people and doing this by creating another box which contains the likes of Timothy McVey. Let's call this box "People Who Are Not Moslems But Bomb Places For A Cause" In it, along with McVey let's put Adolph Hitler, Harry Truman, and Seal Team Six. Now let's throw out all the boxes because they are irrelevent to this discussion.

I was looking at the ages of the guys that are arguing with me. Many are 21-24, and so you were in 4th to 8th grade on 9/11. Do you remember your parents crying? Do you remember them opening the paper each morning and scrutinizing the "Missing" list on page 3? And the funerals...over and over.

Your teacher may be the one who fed you that peace and love line and you believed it. I'll bet she told you Columbus discovered America,too?

NYPD still has a terrorism task force. If there were no threat it would have been dissolved. Who do you think they are watching?

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