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eBay Find from 1909; JH Ketcham Hose

13 posts in this topic

I routinely scour eBay for "stuff"...and found this yesterday.

It is a postcard with a photo of the members of the J H Ketcham Hose Company, and it is post dated 1909. JHK was incorporated in 1908...these may VERY WELL be our founding fathers!

I plan to get it framed and donate it to the department to hang in our meeting room.



x635, firedude, sfrd18 and 3 others like this

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Awesome find Dan!!!!!!

x129K likes this

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I will try to get a better pic of it...hard to see with no camera screen..LOL

Tell me that dude on the right ain't SOME BIG!?

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I will try to get a better pic of it...hard to see with no camera screen..LOL

Tell me that dude on the right ain't SOME BIG!?

I didn't think Wescot was that old.

firemoose827 and x129K like this

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Nice find! Never know whats out there!

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I will try to get a better pic of it...hard to see with no camera screen..LOL

Tell me that dude on the right ain't SOME BIG!?

He must have founded the Ladder Company, didnt realy need a ladder though. ;)

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Another gem from Ebay..the original advertisement for the Seagrave Suburbanite, of which we own one.

The ad is from a 1926 issue of Fire Engineering magazine.

Our Seagrave is a 1927.

The apparatus featured in the ad is labeled as "AFD", unknown department though

This too will be framed and donated to the department.

Poor pic, from my cell...


Edited by x129K

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Our Seagrave;

Photo credit to Billy Marshall...


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Great find. I am an eBay-a-holic myself. Collect just about anything from Rockland County. I started blogging for the Rockland Patch's about some of my finds. Here is an incredible rescent find. Worth the read !


Yes, ebay can be great..other times a pain in a**..LOL..I am actually getting a VERY. VERY bad tatse in my mouth from paypal...went from loving it - to hating it!

I picked up the helmet shield on ebay over the winter...only because it said idea WHAT Dover it was from, but didnt really care.

Few weeks later looking at the artifacts behind the glass at our station, I noticied a twinf to this one, only difference was it was marked as WINGDALE on the bottom, where mine is marked DOVER. Turns out it really is from the JH Ketcham Hose Company in Dover Plains, NY! MINT, New old stock, never issued!

There has also been so many Poughkeepsie Fire items I have lost out on...LOL

(it didnt come with the helmet, i put it on a spare I had)


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Poughkeepsie is relatively a major city up that way and has alot of firefighting history so there are usually going to be lots of bidders on stuff from there. I have seen some nice old Poughkeepsie badges with the bee hive on it over the years. Can't even touch FDNY/Pre FDNY badges unless you have extremely deep pockets. It's definitely an expensive hobby.

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I TRIED for a vintage YONKERS high eagle helmet a few months ago..looked as if the seller ended early.

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