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Fire Helmets

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I snapped a few pics of lids today at a live burn..always been fascinated with fire helmets and the story they tell.

I collect them as well.

Feel free to post up your own helmet pics.

Milan, NY Lieutenant


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Nice helmets! Any NY, Boston, or SF?

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Nice helmets! Any NY, Boston, or SF?

The collection of front devices at our firehouse features some Boston and FDNY.

I sold an older 5a to a guy on the SFFD via ebay last month.

I also wore a Boston style device on my helmet for awhile;



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Here is what I started wearing after getting out as a Chief officer in January.


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Nice lid Mark!

But why no "PAST CHIEF" device?

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2 more...both from the City of Poughkeepsie.

One I purchased locally, it is an old PFD VOLUNTEER helmet..Cairns 5a.

The back side of the front device was painted blue, as shown. Probationary firemen wore the device blue side out. When they completed probation, it was reversed to show the company ID.

The other was given to me by a retired Captain, and was his Lieutenant helmet from the 80's. If this helmet could talk, it would cough.





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One more, and these are not part of my collection, but I sure wish they were!

This past sprng we were cleaning out the garage where our 1927 Seagrave parks and I found these 3 piled up in a corner! I about pooped myself! LOL

These are now on display in the firehouse, behind glass. I am eventually going to either order or make front devices for them.

From left - Unknown make High Eagle leather, Cairns 5a, and Cairns Senator (metal)


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Nice lid Mark!

But why no "PAST CHIEF" device?

I have never been a big fan of having anything that says I am a Past Chief, whether it's a vehicle plate, helmet front or whatever, those in the fire service that I work with know what titles I have held and the knowledge I have to offer at a scene.

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I can see that point, but remember, it isnt to show off, it is a badge of honor that you earned.

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Dan, great thread.

I love the shots of the Po-Town lids. I love hearing of and seeing the history of the fire service and helmets have a history of their own. I have never seen a "reversible" front before, am i alone in that? I think thats a great idea and something that could/should be used today. Real neat orange Probie on one side, black on the other lol.

Ill have to take a pic of my helmet the next time im at the Firehouse. Its my second n5a and its a 2005 that i had re-furbed to look like an early 90's n5a.

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Yes, the older syle New Yorker finial is far better than the flat topped version...and the current factory bends suck. i was actually talking to the cuurent designer/engineer from MSA trying to get them to change it to look more tradional and not so swoopy..

Here is one I had breifly with the flat top. This one I bought on ebay for $300 and it sold for over $500!

I stripped the yellow off, held it over a pot of boiling water to let the steam soften the leather, then took the silly bends from the brim, I like them flat! After being repainted a flat black, I did the flag on the underside and added a new finial with maltese design (not the eagle). The new owner loves it.

By the way - this one was a N6a - the Sam Houston...and I MUCH PREFER the N5a over it!







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Yes, the older syle New Yorker finial is far better than the flat topped version...and the current factory bends suck. i was actually talking to the cuurent designer/engineer from MSA trying to get them to change it to look more tradional and not so swoopy..

Here is one I had breifly with the flat top. This one I bought on ebay for $300 and it sold for over $500!

I stripped the yellow off, held it over a pot of boiling water to let the steam soften the leather, then took the silly bends from the brim, I like them flat! After being repainted a flat black, I did the flag on the underside and added a new finial with maltese design (not the eagle). The new owner loves it.

By the way - this one was a N6a - the Sam Houston...and I MUCH PREFER the N5a over it!

I actually went to the store the other day to buy paint to do the underside of my lid with the flag.... I honestly thought I was being original.

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Another from the collection....unsure of the background on it as it appears to be a "put together". It is a N5a in SMALL which havnt been made since about the time the FDNY stopped issuing leathers, BUT it has a flat topped eagle finial which is from the MSA era lids, albeit bent slightly. LOL

This helmet is heavily covered in soot and has some wicked crazy bends in the brim.

I had a front device made up for it for display purposes and "someday"..LOL




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Another from the collection....unsure of the background on it as it appears to be a "put together". It is a N5a in SMALL which havnt been made since about the time the FDNY stopped issuing leathers, BUT it has a flat topped eagle finial which is from the MSA era lids, albeit bent slightly. LOL

This helmet is heavily covered in soot and has some wicked crazy bends in the brim.

I had a front device made up for it for display purposes and "someday"..LOL

X129K, where do you get your helmet fronts made?

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X129K, where do you get your helmet fronts made?


The Lieutenant front and the "36 Truck" I am currently wearing came from

The Boston style was made by Handtub Junction

I will most likely use F and T Products in the future as thier work is unmatched by most. They will even make custom Boston did.

The master of hand painted shields is no doubt Bob Stella;

Some of my old shelds were authentic Cairns, which I feel are a better quality then the ones from TFS. Here is a Cairns front worn for 4 years when I served as Lieutenant and my FF shield worn for many more years, both FDNY passport stylye;

Last pic is the Cairns Passport frmae with a thefirestore insert;




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I picked up these three random front devices at the Springfield show recently...I think they were selling for 3 for $10..

I liked the Arlington one best...too bad it wasnt white. Obviously NOT the Poughkeepsie Arlington.




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