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Mt Kisco - Rollover w/ Pin 8-3-11

1 post in this topic

Date: 8/3/2011

Time: 1543hrs

Location: Saw Mill River Parkway, north or Reader's Digest

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 16, EMS 16, 155. 310 (WCPD), NCPD

Units Operating: [MKFD: 2282, 2283, 2284, E104, E106, R31], [CFD: 2061, 2062, 2063, R23], [MKVAC: 70B2, 70-11], [CVAC: 54B1], [WEMS: 45M1], WCDPS

Weather Conditions: Hot, Cloudy, Hummid

Description Of Incident: MVA with injuries, rollover, extrication

Reporters: firedude

Writer: firedude

1543hrs: Original dispatch to CFD, CVAC and Medic to Saw Mill River Parkway for a MVA with possible rollover, extrication - north of Readers Digest

1544hrs: 2062, 2061 responding

1545hrs: 60 Control receives update of possible new location, 2061 request units continue in

1546hrs: 60 Control dispatched E104, E106, R31, MKVAC from Mt. Kisco to new location

1547hrs: 2282, 2283 responding

1549hrs: 54B1, 70B2 responding

1549hrs: 2061 reports accident .25 miles south of the pump house in SB lanes

1551hrs: 2061 confirmed extrication with rollover into woods

1551hrs: 70-11 responding to scene

1552hrs: E104, E106, R23, 2063 responding

1553hrs: 2062 requests all units to come up northbound in northbound lane

1553hrs: 2283, 54B1 on location

1555hrs: R23 on location, standing by off the parkway

1557hrs: 2061 requests R23 to proceed onto the parkway, manpower needed

1558hrs: R31 responding

1558hrs: 2063 on location, staging off parkway

1558hrs: 2284 on scene

1559hrs: E106 on location

1601hrs: 2283 reports E104 is going back into service

1602hrs: R31 on location

1609hrs: R15, E106 Back in service per 2283

1610hrs: R31 back in service per 2283

1614hrs: 2283 clear of scene, all MKFD units clear of scene

1655hrs: 54B1 Transporting ALS to WMC

1700hrs: All FD/EMS units clear of scene

1714hrs: 45M1 Back from WMC

PM Me if you have something to add

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