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New FDNY Study Guide Released

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Thanks to the guy who passed this my way. Hopefully everyone can hunker down, and study their rears off for this, because from the looks of it, it's going to be a doozy...


DaRock98, JM15, CFFD117 and 4 others like this

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So wait, whats the right answer? It was not circled for me.

Besides this test is bias, it is not in Spanish, German, Italian, Latin, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Yiddish, Vietnamese, Swahili, Russian, Hebrew or in Braille.


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That test question is racist, city residents dont live in buildings that look like the ones drawn for the question. WHere are the fire escapes, urine pooled in the hallways and trash hanging in the trees. Only people from the suburbs (whites) live in such structures, and would be able to figure out which one is on fire.

Edited by grumpyff

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Don't laugh , the 1992 exam was like that.... and they gave us three tries to answer the question ..if the answer was b and you put it first you got a point..second a half...third a quarter point...very strange..

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