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"There's Something Wrong With Aunt Diane"

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Anyone catch this documentary on HBO? I know there are many people on here that responded who don't want to relive it, and I understand. Just very conterversial and has made national headlines again and I'm in the process of watching the documentary now.

Official HBO site:

NY Times Review:

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I was reading a story in the paper the other day about the husband of this lady. He is suing just about everyone. I guess he can't get it through his head that it's been proven his wife was drunk and stoned.

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The documentary offers nothing new - she was intox and high. They sought the opinion of a leading ME and he said the County's coroner's office did everything by the book. The private investigator they hired had the samples re-tested and it was her DNA and the THC and BAC #s came back the same. Rather than accept the facts the Schulers seem to be hell bent on trying to prove that it was a tooth abscess that led to a stroke that lead to her drinking a handle of vodka mistaking it for water.

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Sounds like he drove her to drink and smoke. He just can't accept it and now he's suing the brother-in-law because it was his van that was used by her so he thinks that he's liable for the accident in some way? Oi

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While there is obviously no good side to look on, one glimmer of hope is the woman whose three daughters were killed is now pregnant and expecting another child. Hopefully she can find some peace in having a little one to look after again.

helicopper, BFD1054 and PFDRes47cue like this

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I watched it and thought it went over events as they happen it well.

For me it was great for them to get another doc look at the Autopsy and say everything is correct and then to have the family paid investigator confirm the blood test along with a DNA sample provided by the family. The toxic report is essential to this case because it shows that she was drunk and high, the reasons weather be medical or emotional are irrelevant. She decided to operate a vehicle in an impaired condition and murder those people.

I was surprise they showed a few close up photos of her body after the accident, which I thought was in bad taste.<br>

Edited by shadow12083

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I didn't see the documentary but the husband's attitude is indicative of what is one of the most prevalent wrongs with society today...the litigious epidemic stemming from the belief that everthing bad that happens to someone is someone else fault. While I wouldn't go so far as to call the wife a murderer, as I highly doubt she intended to do harm, she was clearly and irrevocably impaired by her own doing and therefrore she is at fault...period. But like any sensational case the circling lawyers...are after notoriety and big $$$ and are using a family's tragedy to try and cash in on both. Winning a case like this would put a lawyer on the cover of the Law Review (or whatever their trade mag is) and probably Time magazine as well...just think of all the clients one would get then.

For his part the husband is probably self deluded and tired of carrying the burden of being "her" husband so he's after anything to relieve that pressure. Plus like most of his generation he finds it easier and far more palatable to blame others. Personal responsibility is fast becoming an antiquated concept as everything is somebody else fault. Why bother taking responsibility when it can be hoisted onto someone else with the help of a good lawyer and the bleeding heart liberal media.

"Oh boo hoo hoo Jimmy killed his neighbor's entire family because his mommy was mean to him when he was a child" or better yet "let's give this rocket scientist lady $1,000,000 because she spilled hot coffee on herself. Why?...Because it was McDonald's fault for giving her hot coffee without telling her it was hot in the first place" You just can't make this stuff up.

There has been enough pain and anguish for all involved (even the husband) stemming from this tragedy and as far as I'm concerned any attempts to take some kind of cockamamie legal action or make money or fame from it should be squashed immediately by a judge. I hope for all the best for the mother and father of the 3 little ones that perished as they welcome a new child into their lives.

And to Mr. Shuler, your wife killed those kids and herself, now it's time for you to buck up and accept that fact and her guilt and move on.


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I watched the documentary yesterday too. This case fasinates me because it is so tragic and the truth died in that van along with the victims.

As an outsider who gets his information from the various news outlets, the show provided little new data. I found it interesting that they paid for additional experts to look at the case. Also they got the PI that the family hired, Tom R, to talk to the family. (Even the lawyer was saying the PI cut off contact.)

The evidence looks conclusive that the lab samples are that of the driver (Diane) and that she was under the influence.

I understand the husband's desire to clear his wife's name, but there has to be a point where he accepts the scientific data, she was under the influence.

The show hints that many people did not know Diane extremely well (or refused to be interviewed). They interviewed school friends that lost touch 10 years ago. They interviewed co-workers (how well do your co-workers know your personal life?)that talked about what they observed, but didn't seem to spend time with her outside of work. Look at the sister (or was that the sister in-law) when they left the meeting with the ME, she said her family didn't know she was a smoker and there she was smoking on camera saying "this will be shock to my family"

Was Diane an alcoholic, was she a "functioning" alcoholic? Maybe. Did she have a smoke the night before or even as she was packing that car that morning? Maybe. Did her husband live in denial of her problems as he is now? Maybe. They did work opposite shifts, so she might have been a differnt person at home while he was working and the kids were sleeping. We will never know what happened in that van that morning.

The lawsuit that Daniel files against NYS and his family members IMHO are frivolous and without merit. It seems to be a last desperate act after the state investigation, and the investigation of their PI and the experts hired by HBO conclude the same thing, she was under the influence.

They mention it at the end that the son is going to therapy which is probably long over due. I hope that he can grow up a "normal" life. I can only assume the latest round of lawsuits will rip this family apart if that hasn't happened already.

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"There is Something Wrong with Aunt Diane" ....Hmmm, Yep, she was high and drunk and drving the wrong way.

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I saw the documentary as well, and felt a little like they tried to "sugar coat" her as a person. Either way test results proved she was drunk and high. As someone else stated, they brought in a leading ME who clearly in person stated to them, Westchester followed all the proper procedures and filed everything correctly. Was anyone else surprised by the choice of photos they showed towards the end of the show? How do you get away with showing that on TV?

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I saw the documentary as well, and felt a little like they tried to "sugar coat" her as a person. Either way test results proved she was drunk and high. As someone else stated, they brought in a leading ME who clearly in person stated to them, Westchester followed all the proper procedures and filed everything correctly. Was anyone else surprised by the choice of photos they showed towards the end of the show? How do you get away with showing that on TV?

It's not TV. It's HBO.

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There wasn't much to the photos, just a dead body. I can understand how this may disturb some, but she did seem in pretty good shape considering the kinetics involved (externally, that is - she had some pretty extensive internal trauma according to the ME report). In all honesty, i find the images less of an issue then the crap that we see on commonly available cable channels. I would rather have teenagers view this documentary and see the end results of poor decision making then have them view the glorification of teenage pregnancy on MTV. Thats just me, however.

bigrig77, MJP399, waful and 2 others like this

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American society has always been much more comfortable with graphic violence then pretty much anything else.

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It just amazes me how little concern it seems they have for the little boy. I would be upset to growing up to find out something like that was released publicly.

Edited by voltage1256

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It just amazes me how little concern it seems they have for the little boy. I would be upset to growing up to find out something like that was released publicly.

I would probably be more pissed if i grew up and found out my mom hit the bong and boozed up before/while driving my sisters and cousins home, took us on a multi hour joy ride and then killed my sister, my three cousins and three others and left me permanently disabled.

Not sure how they would go about obtaining those images (they appear to be police photos) but i have a feeling the schuler family signed off on the documentary - the whole premise (from where i sit) was to absolve her of guilt and/or explain away her apparent choices of the day.

Edited by Goose
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I was very surprised at those close up photos. I have seen it all so it was not that bad for me, except, I did not realize they were that close up. Since her family had a big hand in this show, I am pretty curious on why they would allow or want those photos in it. Seems "odd" to me. Bottom line, no matter why she did it, and I have no thoughts, and I am pretty confident my thoughts are pretty close to the truth, she was driving drunk and high and killed 8 people. 100% to blame, no matter what or how she go to that point.

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In Daniel Schulers little pee size brain I guess he wanted us to feel sorry for her, that she died on the side of the road, like roadkill. Didnt bother me a bit. they gave you a warning at the start of the show. He is a question nobody asked him on the show, why when he got the call that something was wrong with Diane he called his brother insted of the state police and jump in a car to drive up to Tarrytown from LI to try to get her? Trying to hide something. The name of the show Theres something wrong with aunt diane and uncle Daniel too. Good job by the state police and the dispatchers that tried to locate the mini van before it crashed. Could have blown it off as a BS call of a sick or so call sick driver on the many roads of NY State on a sunday summer afternoon.

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Saw it and thought it was a very well put together documentary. With that said I think everyone in their heart wants someone to say that it was something medical that occurred but the facts keep pointing otherwise. Something went very wrong that day and unfortunately the only ones that know what truly happened all perished on that day. The only one is the boy and all he can remember is that she was in some sort of pain. Who knows what actually happened to cause the events that did.

Now in regard to some of the other comments.

1. I love how everyone blames him for taking out lawsuits when he wasn't driving or in the car but yet is getting sued via the "estate" of his deceased wife. He has been found liable in a couple lawsuits already and from what I have read elsewhere and others who stay up on that case...he is flat broke. He is suing the very brother in law whom sued the estate and from what I understand either has won or word is that the lawsuit is going to go through as appropriate. Like him or not he still has his son to care for both physically and emotionally.

2. Some of you say they were trying to "sugar coat" her as a person. How many of you actually knew Diane Schuler personally? If you don' can't make any comments on what she was as a person. You want to paint her with a broad brush because of one day that was extremely horrendous. ONe that I have no respect for either...that's fine. But for all extensive purposes she probably was an excellent loving mother who did something unexplainable and extremely grossly negligent in our eyes.

3. If they wanted to the pictures in there..maybe its to remind people that despite the actions that caused the incident..she was a human being in the end, just like the kids who lost their lives way to early and with such loss of potential. How can some of you even say it was in bad taste when persons from your own agencies take pictures of others in similar circumstances. And for what? To keep them on a computer or to show other buffs carnage? Ever watch european and latino news stations, they show much of the same. Don't let your predisposed tight a** puritan american press and censorship guide your feelings. I can see eve worse in make up on CSI or NCIS. Like someone said this was not was HBO and as with everything else you can just turn the channel. They've showed similar pictures on Dr. Baden's autopsy shows they did of crime scene/environment photos of cases he re-did.

I feel bad for the rest of the family who is left to pick up the pieces following this tragedy. And what the family is doing is an extreme form of denial during the mourning phase. Its sad..but no matter what is sent their way they can't accept what the facts in front of them are. That's their mindset and choice and I'm not going to judge them as I'm not in that situation. I'm sure what they are not letting on is that somewhere in their mind they doubt what their feelings are and I'm sure they are battling the anger they feel with that towards her. That I can understand and have dealt with on a personal level with a loss in my close family. The bottom line is 8 people died in a horrific manner which defies much of the logic we know. But she was also a human who just might not have been all that bad of a person...other then one singular moment in time. One with cost 7 other people their lives and left several families in shambles. That I can't forgive...that I won't forget. But I hope somewhere the kids are rested in peace...and that just perhaps she did enough in her normal life to get there with them when she repents for the actions of that day.

Monty, shadow12083, CFFD117 and 5 others like this

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My wife and I both watched " There something wrong with Aunt Diane", in fact I watched it a couple of times to read and see between the lines. The questions I think of is

1. Is Daniel having sex with his sister-in-law?

2. It sounds like he wants nothing to do with his son and his care?

3. Daniel stated he works at nights as a security guard, but Jay( sister-in-law) says hes home all day?

4. How can abscessed tooth cause a stroke?

5. If she wasn't a drinker how can she guzzle vodka and not throw up?

6. I thought the medical report shoold levels of THC is the children that passed away? Why didn't the HBO documentary talk about this?

It felt like HBO was leaning on the Schuler side. Daniel looks like a real piece of S**T

May the children and the innocent men rst in peace, and may our first responders on scene have peace in their heart knowing they did the best they can do. God Bless all of You

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I don't have HBO, so I couldn't watch it. Bottom line, Daniel Schuler is a total piece of crap!

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I've only had time to read some of the contributions to this thread, so excuse me if I'm overstepping anyone else's

I just watched it last night. It's poorly done. Basically, the family admitted she smoked pot everyday "to help her sleep" and drank alcohol. Every time they told of something, it contradicted what they said previously.

This incident occured the last time I was in NY. It happened 5 minutes after I passed that location enroute to Yorktown Heights.

My kudos goes out to all the first responders. I wish they had shown how much this incident has damaged their lives, and the effect it had on them.

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I've only had time to read some of the contributions to this thread, so excuse me if I'm overstepping anyone else's

I just watched it last night. It's poorly done. Basically, the family admitted she smoked pot everyday "to help her sleep" and drank alcohol. Every time they told of something, it contradicted what they said previously.

This incident occured the last time I was in NY. It happened 5 minutes after I passed that location enroute to Yorktown Heights.

My kudos goes out to all the first responders. I wish they had shown how much this incident has damaged their lives, and the effect it had on them.

I'm not much of a film critic but i also thought it was poorly put together - i felt it bounced around a lot trying to find it's focus. I read a few reviews on the internet and that seems to be the general consensus. As far as the pot, i thought that the husband admitted only that she occasionally smoked to relax prior to bed and that it wasn't present at the campground (which seems to be contradictory to what i had heard at the time) - either way, it enters all of that into the realm of plausibility where i sit.

That said, Diane Schuler was probably a loving mother and wife. It seems that way, at least. However, that doesn't absolve her from bearing the responsibility for that day's events (what i think the family wants). In all likelihood she simply made a series of horrendously poor decisions.

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I watched the documentary twice. Both times, I was left wondering the same things and left with same general feelings towards the movie.

One thing I noticed that was a little confusing was that Brian Schuler, the son who survived the crash said that (and I will paraphrase) that he remembers flying out of the vehicle like Superman. However, the witnesses (I believe two of them) mentioned that the children were piled on top of each other in the vehicle and Brian was on the bottom.

Also, I never heard anything in regards to the toll booth or EZ PASS camera footage. I would think that both of the tolls that she went through (Thruway & Tappan Zee Bridge) could be helpful in observing her behavior. Was this footage obtained and reviewed? Was it made public? Can toll booth footage be made public? I don't se why not...

The documentary mentioned the uncertainty about the roads Diane Schuler took after crossing the Tappan Zee Bridge. She may have taken the Saw Mill River Parkway, 9A, etc. The documentary mentioned that she may have taken the Taconic State Parkway north and then came back south on it (in the northbound lanes obviously). How so? The Taconic State Parkway does not exist that far actually begins shortly before the wrecked.

Overall, I am not really sure how I feel about the quality and insightfulness of the documentary.

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As a responder that day, one of the things that got me through was that I kept telling myself that those poor children didn't know what hit them. When the toxicology report came out, it broke my heart. Those kids had to be so frightened in that car with that drunk/high maniac. I also firmly believe that Dan Schuler said or did something to his wife that morning that caused her to go over the edge - I only hope that one day the truth will come out.

By the way, I thought HBO did a terrible job!

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My wife and I both watched " There something wrong with Aunt Diane", in fact I watched it a couple of times to read and see between the lines. The questions I think of is

1. Is Daniel having sex with his sister-in-law?

I also firmly believe that Dan Schuler said or did something to his wife that morning that caused her to go over the edge - I only hope that one day the truth will come out.

Maybe we can put these two hypotheses together?

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