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Stamford (I95) - Truck Fire

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Time: 04:19

Location: I95 N/B between Exits 7 & 8, on Elm St overpass

Frequency: Stamford Trucked

Units Operating: E3,E1,E2,T3,R1,U4 (Command),M1 (Staged in case of MVA),U8 Safety

Weather Conditions: Hot

Description Of Incident: Fully involved cab of tractor trailer hauling load of mattresses, possibly due to MVA (unconfirmed reports), full box sent due to water supply issues & multiple calls of flaming debris falling onto surface streets. IC special called Safety Officer. CSP handling traffic on I95, SPD shutting down Elm St in both directions due to debris. 1 Car stopped approximately 100 yards behind truck was possibly involved, EMS staged at on ramp until situation confirmed.

UPDATE: 05:13 - SPD arrested 1 for interfering with police during road closure on Elm St.

Reporters: AFS1970

Writer: AFS1970

Edited by AFS1970

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