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NYS DMV New Custom Plates for Emergency Services

10 posts in this topic

And just how much will they charge us for the privilege of displaying these plates?

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  On 7/15/2011 at 1:14 AM, engine968 said:

And just how much will they charge us for the privilege of displaying these plates?

Depends on the type...

EMT/EMT-P: $60 up front then a $31.25 annual renwel fee

VF: only $43.75, no annual fee

VAS: $43.75 then a $15 annual fee

All of the prices can be found on the website.

Edited by firedude

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Interesting VF has no annual fee but EMT and VAS has an annual fee. Government at its finest.

BFD1054 and EMT-7035 like this

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  On 7/15/2011 at 3:25 PM, ny10570 said:

VF has the stronger lobby. Its no surprise.

Yeah, maybe a stronger lobby to get no annual fee, but the lobby must not be that strong or they would have had a new design too.. Same old design for the volunteer firefighters...

Edited by FIRECHIEF63

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  On 7/15/2011 at 6:42 PM, FIRECHIEF63 said:

Yeah, maybe a stronger lobby to get no annual fee, but the lobby must not be that strong or they would have had a new design too.. Same old design for the volunteer firefighters...

200 years of tradition..... wait a second

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I actually really like that design...I would never advertise on my POV, but those would look better on emergency vehicles that the current yellow plates.

It's also stange they have "Water Rescue Team" on there. And no IAFF plates, either.

Down here, we have just about every specialized license plate under the sun. And if there's a big enough group, they can sponsor a custom plate designed just for them.

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The UFA and FASNY both have plates but they are found under the organizations list on the DMV site.

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But no NYSPFFA plates or like Ct anIAFF logo on the plate

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