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Live-In Arrangements / Departments

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This kind of program is nothing new - and it can work well as evidenced by Kentland and other departments in Kentland County ( :D ).

What are your thoughts on this set up? I want to like it, and I KNOW, without a doubt that I would have been ALL OVER such a deal back in my younger years, before a family....but I am concerned in areas without the manpower base PG County brings - it is just smoke and mirrors (the Emporer's clothes bit is spoken for..LOL)....

Also - as has been stated in the past in regards to rostering volunteer fire crews, where members are assigned times to be at the firehouse, is it considered scab labor?

Cliff NOtes; is this a slippery slope?

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Scab Labor?

Vollies get crapped on and characterized with degradations like "oh they pick and choose calls", or responding to the scene in POV's makes them wackers, and leads to an accountability cluster ...

So the idea of roster staffing is introduced and so now it is scab labor?


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Scab Labor?

Vollies get crapped on and characterized with degradations like "oh they pick and choose calls", or responding to the scene in POV's makes them wackers, and leads to an accountability cluster ...

So the idea of roster staffing is introduced and so now it is scab labor?


Now don't get all crazy on us..LOL

It was brought up a few years ago and that is how a member compared big deal. Don't take it personal.

And for the record - i personally do not beleive it to be scab labor...a volunteer is a volunteer regardless of where they are before a it home, the station, or Walmart.

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I think programs like this have a lot of potential. I know of a few departments in the Syracuse area that have live-in capabilities, not sure of how active the programs are. I can think of few, if any areas in NY that have the call volume that PG County and some of those areas have down in the Metro-DC corridor. That call volume is likely to be what attracts so many people to live-in programs. That call volume goes with tremendous growth in the communities and population.

As for live-in programs, they can be beneficial, especially in areas that have colleges with fire service based majors. I know of a few programs in CO, CA, and ME that have live-ins in career houses that often result in members being fully certified and field trained, and thus readily employable upon completion of their live-in days.

Anyone know of programs like this or have anyone on the forum been a part of one that was successful? As with Dan, in my younger days, that would have definitely been a consideration.

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I think if you google FD Live In you will get a good idea of a live in program. Or

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