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Guest fdnyladder10

Yonkers FD Squad

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Hi guys, just a quick question on YFD Squad 11, what kind of calls do they respond to citywide automatically?? and do they respond outside the city as well??

Many thanks


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SQ-11 responds to all "routine" responses of an Engine company, as in EMS runs, automatic alarms, and fire runs when 1st-4th due (etc).They also respond to gas leaks in Eastside part of city (while R-1 has the Westside)and assigned to auto accidents on 2-parkways (R-1 on others)and as part of SpecOps, any "rescue" type jobs (trench,collapse,rope etc.) as part of Special Operations response. They are also assigned in place of Rescue-1 if we are tied up.

SQ-11 does respond outside of city as m/a engine or Soc unit.

x635, BFD1054 and M' Ave like this

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The Squad responds:

1.As an Engine would normally.

2.If the Rescue isn't available, it responds on reported Structure Fires Citywide.

3.For Inside Gas Emergencies, they respond for half the city. (The Rescue responds on the other half)

4.On some parkways, they respond with on Vehicle Accident assignments instead of the Rescue.

5.For Mutual Aid, they're frequently used as the Engine that is sent.

6.For Building/Trench Collapse, they respond with the Collapse Unit (kept in their quarters.)

7.They're part of the HazMat Task force for large HazMat incidents.

8. They carry an inflatable boat when flooding occurs in the city.

9. They are an Extrication Unit. (Have the Jaws etc.)

I might have missed some of their functions...

x635, M' Ave and BFD1054 like this

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