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Barre (Orleans) Ethanol Tanker Fatal Rollover MVA with Fire 6/14/11

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Date: 6/14/2011

Time: 04:10

Location: East Lee Rd (Rt 31A) at Mathis Rd, Town of Barre (Orleans County)

Frequency: 46.08

Units Operating: (Orleans County) Barre, Albion, Clarendon, Holley, Shelby, East Shelby, Kendall, Fancher-Hulberton-Murray, Orleans County Special Response Team, Orleans County Sheriff, Central Orleans Volunteer Ambulance(COVA), NYSP Troop A

(Genesee County) Elba, Byron, South Byron, Town of Batavia, Oakfield, Alabama, Genesee County Haz-Mat

(Monroe County) Brockport, Kodak

Numerous fill-ins

Weather Conditions: Cool, dry, winds 5-10 mph out of the North

Description Of Incident: 04:10: Barre equipment along with COVA, Holley FAST, and Clarendon for the report of a tanker rollover with fire at Rt 31A at Mathis Rd. Barre 1 on location reports heavy fire from a tanker carrying unknown fuel requesting Shelby for the FOAM pumper and 1 tanker, Albion pumper and manpower along with fire police to shut down Rt 31A, Tankers from Clarendon, Holley, Fancher-Hulberton-Murray, East Shelby, Kendall, Elba, Byron, South Byron, Town of Batavia, Oakfield, Alabama, Genesee County Haz-Mat with FOAM unit, and Kodak Chemical FOAM truck, Brockport requested for 2nd FASTeam.

Command established that the overturned tanker was carrying ethanol from the near-by ethanol plant in Medina. Units relocated residents outside of the hot-zone.

Fire placed under control shortly after 06:00, crews cleaning up, investigation underway, road to remain closed for the day.

The tanker had just picked up 8,000 gallons of ethanol from the ethanol plant and failed to negotiate a 90 degree turn on Rt 31A, the driver was fatally injured after the tanker rolled over and burst into flames, approximately half of the 8,000 gallons of ethanol was spilled, a second tanker was called in to remove the remaining 2,800 gallons of fuel from the truck.

Reporters/Writer: traumajunky


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