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Stamford (Fairfield), CT -3rd Alarm 04-13-05

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Date: 4-13-05

Time: 2002hrs

Location: 2437 Bedford Street (Chesterfield Condos) Building F

Description: Fire in a condo complex.

Units: See Below

Writer: mpalmer

1st due Engine 5 reports working fire in 2 units (Units 1 and 2) of building F. Request 2nd alarm for this fire.

R1 on scene and confirms fire involving 2 units on Building F, exposure problems to attached units on C and D sides.

DC 3 on scene requests third alarm for additional personnel.

Belltown, Glenbrook, and Turn of River Fire Departments to respond to Stamford Fire Headquarters for coverage.

Stamford Fire and Rescue Companies operating: E5, E5, E1, E3, E2, E7, TL1, T2, T3, R1, DC3, DC6, AC 2, AC 3.

Stamford EMS: Medic 3, Medic 1, Supervisor 901

Belltown FD - E41 to Old North Stamford Road for exposure concerns.

Belltown FD - TL45 to Stamford Fire HQ for city coverage

Turn of River FD - E61 to Stamford Fire HQ for city coverage

Glenbrook FD - E32 to Stamford Fire HQ for city coverage

Stamford Fire Rescue reserve E10 and DC4 in service for city coverage

2045 - Fire under control, all companies operating.

2300 - Engine 5 last fire unit to clear scene.

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