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Fairview (Dutchess) firefighters raise concerns over staff shortage

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Fairview firefighters raise concerns over staff shortage

12:08 AM, Jun. 5, 2011

Written by

Michael Valkys Poughkeepsie Journal

For information on the Fairview Fire District visit

Fairview Fire District leaders say they are dealing with a potentially dangerous staff shortage and a projected $300,000 deficit as they prepare the 2012 budget.

Officials said the fire department is down four career firefighters from the 16 budgeted slots due to three vacancies and a firefighter who is out with an injury. The shortage has led to firefighters working extra hours to properly cover the district, which includes parts of the towns of Poughkeepsie and Hyde Park.

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I'd be concerned with some of what is being purported as "law". Particularly:

"Officials said the firefighter shortage has not led to a drastic increase in overtime costs because of rules for firefighters under the Fair Labor Standards Act, which says overtime is not allowed until a firefighter works more than 212 hours in a 28-day period."

I'm 99.9% certain the FLSA says firefighters do not have to be paid overtime until a firefighter works more than 212 hours in 28 days, but the catch is the 212 is "regularly scheduled" hours called "work periods" by the FLSA, not overtime coverage hours. You cannot have a normal 42 hour work week and then not pay OT until the 53rd hour. I'd say the firefighters Union should be looking into an FLSA violation if they've not received OT for those first 11 hours of extra time worked.

Edited by antiquefirelt

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I'd be concerned with some of what is being purported as "law". Particularly:

"Officials said the firefighter shortage has not led to a drastic increase in overtime costs because of rules for firefighters under the Fair Labor Standards Act, which says overtime is not allowed until a firefighter works more than 212 hours in a 28-day period."

I'm 99.9% certain the FLSA says firefighters do not have to be paid overtime until a firefighter works more than 212 hours in 28 days, but the catch is the 212 is "regularly scheduled" hours called "work periods" by the FLSA, not overtime coverage hours. You cannot have a normal 42 hour work week and then not pay OT until the 53rd hour. I'd say the firefighters Union should be looking into an FLSA violation if they've not received OT for those first 11 hours of extra time worked.

I don't know the specifics of this contract, but I can say from experience that FLSA rules can be trumped if waived in the CBA.

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Bottom line in the members of the FFD ARE staffed at the bare bone minimum..and that is even before you factor in EMS. The comments posted by readers are just plain scary,,,some really far out there people.


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Bottom line in the members of the FFD ARE staffed at the bare bone minimum..and that is even before you factor in EMS. The comments posted by readers are just plain scary,,,some really far out there people.

Nice picture. Should say "UNDERPAID EMT's and PARAMEDICS" though. They're not fighting a fire in that picture are they?

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Nice picture. Should say "UNDERPAID EMT's and PARAMEDICS" though. They're not fighting a fire in that picture are they?

Oh please. Fire department based career EMS, and ALS in particular, is the very best pre hospital care option out there today. However, to properly run such a program takes manpower and money...something not alot of municipalities want to cough up right now, or even have for that matter.

You can see outstanding examples of such systems with the Arlington Fire District and LaGrange Fire District.

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