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Bronx Unusual MVA 06/04/11 Photos

29 posts in this topic

At 0746 hours this morning I was signing out at work after working a midnight, when we heard a loud crash, and found this green SUV on top of our LT's personal truck in a cloud of smoke.


The SUV had been traveling northbound on the Bronx River Parkway when the driver lost control and went off the side of the elevated roadway falling approximately 40 feet striking fence, the side of the red pickup, and finally coming to a rest on the hood as seen. Our first fear was that our LT who had just signed out was in his truck. Luckily he was still in the station house. The driver of the SUV was just getting out of the car. A passenger was still in the front seat of vehicle and she was removed due to gas leaking from several punctures in the gas tank. I think our sergeant requested everything as the 49 Pct, ESU and numerous FDNY units quickly arrived on scene. First on scene was Engine 45, who quickly stretched a line. On the top rear of the photo, where the chain link fence is bent is where the SUV left the roadway.


Edited by grumpyff
eric12401, FF398, IzzyEng4 and 3 others like this

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the Engine 45 officer giving the size up


Beginning to stabilize the vehicle to deal with the fuel leak and prepare to move the SUV, since the patients were being treated by FDNY EMS and units from St Barnabus Hospital.


x635, Task Force 7, FF398 and 3 others like this

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Rescue 3


Members of R3 and the squads used a grip hoist to remove the SUV from the hood of the pick up. Engine 45's front bumper and a steel post near the building were used as anchors



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PS After I left I heard my LT put on the spare tire and drove the pick up home.

IzzyEng4 likes this

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Wow....... Thanks for sharing the story and photos Kurt! A+

x635 likes this

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Funny, I know someone who drove of the BxRvPky the same way (on the much higher part!!!!) right next to there , many years ago!

Edited by R1SmokeEater

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Any more pics on how they stabilized the vehicle?

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Sorry that was the only stabilization photo I got. the first bunch of photos were taken on my cell phone. Once things calmed down I ran inside, changed out of my uniform, and went back out with my other camera. FDNY was too quick LOL, or I was too slow getting dressed

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PS After I left I heard my LT put on the spare tire and drove the pick up home.

Like a damn boss!

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One photo I forgot to post earlier.. This one shows the amount of speedy dry used to contain the leaking gasoline


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Excellent photos, Kurt!

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Nice pics thanks for sharing.

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nice photos! Why is it FDNY's responsibility to remove the suv from the top of the truck... wouldn't that be accomplished by a tow company?

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WOW! Never know what you're gonna run into, another reason I love this job!! Glad your LT wasn't in it, I am sure he would have encountered a mild case of the brown-shorts...

Nice photos/story told by the photos!!!

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Engine 45


The 5th man on the back step of Engine 45. A silent protest, or a sense of humor?


What do the numbers under the hose in the bed mean?

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What do the numbers under the hose in the bed mean?

The amount of hose that bed 6/10 is 6 lengths of 1.75 and 10 lengths of 2.5 connected by a reducer.

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Nice going, buddy. I had heard about this at work the other day.

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The 5th man on the back step of Engine 45. A silent protest, or a sense of humor?

Correct me if I am wrong, I usually am when there are engines involved...

This device, a wheel with a "pie cut" appears to be placed at the door frame, allowing the hose to slide more freely as it is advanced, without getting hung up. Essentially, a mechanical "5th man" who was the door man, or control man.

Am I close?

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If that's the case, it's pretty impressive.

rcamp likes this

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I think that is the intent of that piece of equipment. In this view, you can see the center of the rim has been cut out to allow it to sit on a door frame.


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