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Unique looking fire station

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I was driving through Trophy Club, Texas yesterday when I happened to see that the Circus had set up shop in the parking lot of the Country Club. Curious to know what it was, I pulled in and parked. It happened to be Trophy Club's fire station.


They have a Engine, Brush Truck, Medic, and Quint parked inside.


There's a mobile home set up next to the tent for their living quarters.


The reason for this is because they tore down the old station to build this new station on the same lot as the old one. This new station is set to open this Summer.


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I know what truck is first to leave the barn B)

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LA County has a few Tin House style firehouses as temporary structures while permanent houses are being built. First time I have ever seen a tent as a temp, though. Nice find.

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Welcome to Afghanistan. These types of "firehouses" are the norm on most bases over there including the one I worked at, Camp Leatherneck. The only problem is Ringling Bros. wants them all back by summer...:P


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This unique fire station is located in Washington Township, Dublin, Ohio. Due to economics and property availibility, this dual purpose structure has a fire station on the bottom two floors and a 900,000 gallon water storage tank above. It houses an engine company and ambulance. Photo by Howard Peiffer


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This unique fire station is located in Washington Township, Dublin, Ohio. Due to economics and property availibility, this dual purpose structure has a fire station on the bottom two floors and a 900,000 gallon water storage tank above. It houses an engine company and ambulance. Photo by Howard Peiffer

I hope it doesn't leak...

Where's the windows?

I don't want to hear any complaints about poor water preasure.....

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This unique fire station is located in Washington Township, Dublin, Ohio. Due to economics and property availibility, this dual purpose structure has a fire station on the bottom two floors and a 900,000 gallon water storage tank above. It houses an engine company and ambulance. Photo by Howard Peiffer

Interesting station set up. Found more photos of it on their website The fire pole was replaced with a "water park" style slide.


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Haltom City, Texas, has a fire station like that. Set up in a water tower. It's home to Engine 473, and I believe Engine 475 (a reserve). It has two bay doors, and I don't think they have a water slide in it though. :P

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Haltom City, Texas, has a fire station like that. Set up in a water tower. It's home to Engine 473, and I believe Engine 475 (a reserve). It has two bay doors, and I don't think they have a water slide in it though. :P

Here is Haltom City, TX station 3. It was built in 1983.


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This is personal opinion, but I don't know if I want to be seated under 900,000 gallons of water. I understand it might be structurally sound, but just the idea of 900,00 gallons of water over you, yikes!

Yes, the idea of driving the Battery, Lincoln and worse yet the Boston Big Dig Tunnels worries me too.

This unique fire station is located in Washington Township, Dublin, Ohio. Due to economics and property availibility, this dual purpose structure has a fire station on the bottom two floors and a 900,000 gallon water storage tank above. It houses an engine company and ambulance. Photo by Howard Peiffer

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Or being under hundreds of tons of concrete and steel in any structure?? Battery and Lincoln tunnels are no worry. They're burrowed into the bedrock.

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