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Putnam County's Children's Expo and Safety Day

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Putnam County's Children's Expo and Safety Day. Looks to be an awesome PR event. Can anyone fill us in with more details?

There are some great photos by Photojournalist Frank Becerra Jr at the link below:

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They did this last year too all the county teams show off their toys last year there was a vehicle extrication demo and a couple of the fd's brought their safety houses it's like a really big open house.

Edited by texastom791

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Great day overall, except for a tiny mishap in the parking lot. Great turnout and enjoyable day for all...well almost all

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The old 17-6-1 looks like an Army Truck now.

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The old 17-6-1 looks like an Army Truck now.

The ERT rig?

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Yeah the ert truck is lake carmels old rescue.

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Yup. It's at least the second or third rig LCFD has given to other agencies in Putnam. Kent PD had one of the old ambulances, I saw the old brush rig being used by Kent Highway, I think.

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Great day overall, except for a tiny mishap in the parking lot. Great turnout and enjoyable day for all...well almost all

A great day overall for sure and I surely hope that Putnam does it again next year. BUT!

How can you call a fire engine backing over a senior citizen and putting him into intensive care a "tiny mishap"? The number one goal at any of these events is safety and the fact that someone was nearly killed shows that somebody dropped the ball and should be fired.

Your dismissal of this incident as a "tiny mishap" and sarcasm that "well almost all" had an enjoyable day is pathetic. I'm sure everyone involved in this "tiny mishap" is traumatized and I hope none of the children leaving the event had to see it.

There are so many failures that contributed to this accident that it boggles my mind. I wish the NTSB or OSHA or USFA investigated all apparatus accidents so they couldn't get swept under the rug like this one is. This was a colossal incident and while we should highlight the positives we can't minimize this catastrophic collapse of the plan.

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Easy big fella...I was trying not to offend the people involved in the incident by saying. "Gigantic Mishap at safety day". No dismissal at all it is horrible that the older gentleman got hit by a gigantic fire truck at a saftey day. Who do you suggest gets fired...I believe the people involved are volunteer.

If I said all had a good time I am sure someone, and by the direction of your comment it would've been you telling me that all did not have a good time.

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You shouldn't beleive everything you hear on the news. The gentleman that was hit is not in ICU he is actually home and recovering well. He was hurt, but again is doing well.

I agree the person driving should be dealt with. and this should be investigated further. Where was his spotter?????

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Consider this an official response from the department involved.

VelcroMedic1987, After reading your post It is clear that you were not in attendance and should probably refrain from your negative comments as they are mostly inaccurate.

First off if you were there you would know that the rig was not in reverse, it was moving forward at about 3 mph getting staged by the event organizers. The 87 year old gentleman was bumped by the rig as he walked in front of it while it was moving and sustained a facial laceration when he fell down. Nobody was "run over" ! He was never in intensive care and was actually released by the hospital and is at home currently.

This was during the set up for the event and not after it was over. That being said, none of the public was even there yet so rest well, no poor children will be traumatized.

And by the way, nothing was "swept under the rug", It was fully investigated by the police agency within this jurisdiction.

The department has been in contact with the gentleman and wishes him a speedy recovery.

Nothing more will be said on this forum by the department involved and any questions should be directed to Chief Ed O'Connell at 914-227-0233.

PC415, grumpyff, x635 and 4 others like this

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Brewster man, 87, hit by fire engine on Public Safety Day|newswell|text|Frontpage|s

"The driver stated that the engine was moving forward slowly and that she did not see Mr. Berenback as she struck him. It appears the victim walked in front of the engine," Johnson said. "No charges will be filed."

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Carmel Chief Michael Johnson said that Norman Berenback walked in front of a slow-moving Patterson fire engine and was struck. Berenback was rushed by TransCare Ambulance to Danbury (Conn.) Hospital after complaining of pain in his pelvis and abdomen. He spent the night at the hospital and was released Sunday, a spokeswoman said today.


Was he backed over or did he walk in front of the engine? Glad to see that he is alright.

Edited by PFDRes47cue

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Was he backed over or did he walk in front of the engine? Glad to see that he is alright.

You read the article, look at what the chief said, the elderly gentleman walked in front of the rig, not behind it.

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You read the article, look at what the chief said, the elderly gentleman walked in front of the rig, not behind it.

I also read this can not always believe LoHud. You also can not always believe what is found on I wanted to double check. But yeap...I did read the article..twice actually.

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Consider this an official response from the department involved.

VelcroMedic1987, After reading your post It is clear that you were not in attendance and should probably refrain from your negative comments as they are mostly inaccurate.

First off if you were there you would know that the rig was not in reverse, it was moving forward at about 3 mph getting staged by the event organizers. The 87 year old gentleman was bumped by the rig as he walked in front of it while it was moving and sustained a facial laceration when he fell down. Nobody was "run over" ! He was never in intensive care and was actually released by the hospital and is at home currently.

This was during the set up for the event and not after it was over. That being said, none of the public was even there yet so rest well, no poor children will be traumatized.

And by the way, nothing was "swept under the rug", It was fully investigated by the police agency within this jurisdiction.

The department has been in contact with the gentleman and wishes him a speedy recovery.

Nothing more will be said on this forum by the department involved and any questions should be directed to Chief Ed O'Connell at 914-227-0233.

Very well put! I was there and one of the organizers of this event.The Driver of the rescue was aware of the surroundings .The event took place before the public was there.I thank everyone who showed up and participated in the event. I just love this site. We better FIRE everybody !! get the facts!

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It's sad people have to dwell on something relatively isolated and overshadow the good of the event. When people fall and cut their knee at a department carnival, does it get this much press? The only reason he probaly was taken to the hospital was due to his age, which played a factor.

We have the facts that were stated here from the source, so the rest of the converstation regarding this again, isolated incident, is moot. And if you have questions, the number to call is above.

Let's continue the converstation about the event...

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I had actually attended the event with my children and had an excellent time! My kids were able to ride in Carmel's bucket and operate Brewster's hose line. They got to go in Brewster's safety house and look at the Sheriff's ERT vehicles and had photos taken for "Operation Safe Child". The members of Patterson and Putnam Lake conducted a extracation demo that entertained all that watched.

Inside the building, representatives from different health and wellness groups were on hand assisting those with questions. The kids were once again entertained by the magician and face painting station.

Once outside again, we were able to see the assets the county government can role out to emergencies. On display were vehicles from the haz-mat, fire police and OEM teams. And of course the event would not be complete for the kids with out a jumpy house! For those of us that were there, it was obvious all had a good time! Thanks for a great time!

Oh one more thing we should get a dunk booth for next year so that "velcro_ _dic1987" can have a better view of the event when commenting

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