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Crybabies and whiners: Enough second guessing about bin Laden getting what he deserved

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Have we really become that much of a nation of whiners and publicity hounds that even an event as justified as the elimination of an avowed terrorist and virulently anti-American murderer causes some to be "offended" and get on the news? Let's put this in perspective

There are some upset because his codename was Geronimo. It's just a commonly used phrase and well known name, easily recognizble by everyone, not an anti Native American slur. Do people really have that much free time on their hands that they can sit and dwell on the meaning of a code name? C'mon get real will ya and go find something better to complain about.

Now an even hotter topic, whether or not he was armed...WHO CARES!!! Did this hero of so many radical Islamic murderers care whether or not the thousands he has or had murdered were armed or could defend themselves? NO he didn't, as a matter of fact he relied on the fact they weren't and preyed on the innocent just as all terrorists do. A clean quick kill for this coward is almost too good an end to this waste of human flesh. I'm quite sure many of us would have liked to have seen a much slower and excruciatingly painful demise for this "leader". To those that have a problem with the manner of his death, get over it and be thankful it was quick and he wasn't given a more fitting final few years of suffering.

And now on to his burial at sea. Again he was afforded much more respect than he ever gave to any one of his victims. Did he care that thousands were simply obliterated at Ground Zero, with no trace for the familes? NO again he counted on that. So he sleeps with the fishes, big deal. He got his immediate burial of his cleaned corpse as is Muslim custom, he got much more respect than he ever gave others or deserved. Stop whining and rejoice that he is DEAD, DEAD DEAD just as he shoud be.

And finally for all those who see his rightful removal from the face of the earth this as an increase in the risk that we, as Americans, face in this world...WAKE THE HELL UP!!!!. Osama bin Laden did not invent anti Americanism, radicalism or terrorism, he only benefited and gained notoriety from them. His death will have no great impact on the desire of those radical and militant elements in this world that want to harm us.


Remain vigilant America and remember freedom is not free.

Thank you Obama

Thank you SEAL team six and all that serve our nation in the Military


God Bless America


waful, dadbo46, CFFD117 and 6 others like this

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Cogs, you make some good points, and before I respond let me first clarify...Im glad the son-of-a-b**** bastard is dead, I believe he deserved a more painful and drawn out death/prisonment with a cell mate named bubba who loves bacon at every meal and lost a loved one during the attacks, but, (theres always a but)

We gave him a proper burial following muslim customs because we are better than people like him and we are not at war with the muslim religion...we are at war with the terrorists that mislead people to think that they follow that religion. Bin-Ladden was killed, an attempt was made to capture him first but he refused (thankfully) and they shot him; trouble over. Do we need to desecrate his corpse? No. We as americans are better, more civilized and show more respect for other religions and races, which is what separates us from these low life cowardly bastards that spread terror every day. The muslims have certain burial procedures and we followed them out of respect for them...NOT bin-ladden or his followers sakes. We are better than that.

I agree with you about the belley-aching over the use of "Geronimo", I got sick to my stomache when I heard it on the radio this morning. Get a life people...Its a dammed code name. We killed an evil man, so what that we used geronimo as a code name, its not an attack against the indian race or meant as an insult so get over it.

EmtFire42 and norestriction like this

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while there are no photos of bin laden himself dead (and yes, most definately I am glad that POS is dead) Reuters did publish photos from the compound which show stuff as well as a few bodies. here's the link. draw your own conclusions. I will say this, there has been a big deal made by some who say he was unarmed when he was shot. You know what, all I have to say/ask is how many people were armed in the towers, DC, and PA on 9/11/01? Exactly. The bastard got what he deserved.


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Bin Ladin wanted to go to Heaven and meet up with 70 Virgins.

Instead he met up with 24 Virginians.

Thanks Seal Team 6

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the unemployment rate is so high because people would rather sit at home and 'troll' or monday morning quarterback every pro war or non-obama news article. rant= over

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I, for one, want to see pictures only because the cynic inside of me finds it rather interesting that it took 10 years to find him and only a day to kill him and dispose of his body in a rather convenient place where it can never be found.

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I, for one, want to see pictures only because the cynic inside of me finds it rather interesting that it took 10 years to find him and only a day to kill him and dispose of his body in a rather convenient place where it can never be found.

i agree.

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I, for one, want to see pictures only because the cynic inside of me finds it rather interesting that it took 10 years to find him and only a day to kill him and dispose of his body in a rather convenient place where it can never be found.

I dont totally agree with releasing it to the public. While I do think some outside verification is required, I think this is some what of what separates "us" from "them"; if you remember during Somalia during the 90's and Iraq with the black water guards, they paraded the bodies of service members and contractors through the streets. To some degree, releasing a photo of Osama minus his left eye and front of his skull would be somewhat similar, and in a similar barbaric tone to the display of mutilated, captured American bodies. Maybe if select, respected members of the media were allowed to view the photos then report to the public about them, I feel this would be somewhat of a meeting halfway compromise. IMHO.

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I would like to comment about the shooting of bin laden while he was unarmed. The SEALs could not tell what bin laden had on under his robes. There was a real probability that he could have had a suicide bomb strapped on his person. By taking him out at a distance, the SEALs were able to ensure their own safety.

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I would like to comment about the shooting of bin laden while he was unarmed. The SEALs could not tell what bin laden had on under his robes. There was a real probability that he could have had a suicide bomb strapped on his person. By taking him out at a distance, the SEALs were able to ensure their own safety.

It has been stated that he was going for weapons that where on the shelf a few feet from him that is why he was taken down, also Al qida has already confirmed that he is dead so why do we need pics, who cares the pos is dead thats good enough for me.

Edited by calhobs

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Having seen firsthand the effects of bin Ladens handiwork and "inspiration" both here at home and abroad, I can tell you that to me it doesn't matter one iota if he was armed or not or even if they were weapons within a hundred miles of him, he got what he deserved. Now it's time to go down the list and give the rest of his associates a nice strong dose of the same lethal medicine. The sooner they're all DEAD the better and the sooner the terrorists of the world will learn the lesson that you DON'T F#%K WITH THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA and live.

I guess I'm too much of a hawk but to me, no cost is too great and no time passage too long to dole out the justice deserved to terrorists. As far as I'm concerned no mercy should be shown until the last fetid corpse of those who seek to do us harm is rotting in a festering worm and rat infested hole somewhere. Like the Israelis after Munich, no rest until those responsible have paid their due in full to the souls of those they murdered.


Edited by FFPCogs
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Having seen firsthand the effects of bin Ladens handiwork and "inspiration" both here at home and abroad, I can tell you that to me it doesn't matter one iota if he was armed or not or even if they were weapons within a hundred miles of him, he got what he deserved. Now it's time to go down the list and give the rest of his associates a nice strong dose of the same lethal medicine. The sooner they're all DEAD the better and the sooner the terrorists of the world will learn the lesson that you DON'T F#%K WITH THE UNITED STATES of AMERICA and live.

I guess I'm too much of a hawk but to me, no cost is too great and no time passage too long to dole out the justice deserved to terrorists. As far as I'm concerned no mercy should be shown until the last fetid corpse of those who seek to do us harm is rotting in a festering worm and rat infested hole somewhere. Like the Israelis after Munich, no rest until those responsible have paid their due in full to the souls of those they murdered.


Cogs, I think you hit on the central theme: DON'T MESS WITH THE US! If you do, we will hunt you down, it doesn't matter how long it takes or the cost. We will get you. We are a very tolerant people and some think we want to live decant life style and don't have a stomach for a fight any longer. This thought may have been confirmed when we elected a liberal president who has ties to the middle east and promised to close Gitmo and get us out of every where. Yet he still pulled the trigger on the operation. We have one of the best trained armed forces in the world with solders that are second to none!

Still want to mess with the USA? Think long and hard.

As far as releasing pictures of the dead bastard, who needs them. AlQueda confirmed he is dead. We don't need hundreds of protesters waving the photos. Strange thing, if you notice there haven't been the massive protests that we have seen in the past? No body, no photos, no grave= no wind in the sails.

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