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Osama Bin Laden DEAD! Killed By US Forces!

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FOXNews is reporting Bin Laden is dead. President Obama to hold press conference shortly.

Much more information expected shortly.


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Supposedly a US bomb killed him last week! DNA match confirms!!!!!

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From what they are saying on CBS news is he was shot and the u.s. has his body

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IDC how it happened, I am just happy it did and we did it. Now the 9/11/01 Victiums can RIP and Families can have some closeure hopefully!!!


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Hell is too good for him... I have chills

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I hope his 70 virgins are all men and he "recieves" what he deserves for eternity.

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Great day for America!!!

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343 are celebrating along with the rest of the US!

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343 are celebrating along with the rest of the US!

Finally Justice for FDNY 343, NYPD, Port Authority and nearly 3000 Americans! Thank you to our Amazing Military Men and Women! God Bless America!

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Thank You President Obama And The US Military For Killing Him!!! RIP 343, US Military, And Victiums Of This Man!!! God Bless The USA!!!


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Don't drop your guard, my brothers. Islam has declared Jihad long ago and it may not end with Bin Ladin's death.

I would be ready for some kind of retaliation on the US by the radicals.

Stay aware, Stay Safe.

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Never Forget Our Fallen * 23 N.Y.P.D. * 37 P.A.P.D. * 343 F.D.N.Y. *

Never Forgive Those Who Attacked America

Never Forget 9/11/2001

God Bless Our Troops ...

Edited by bad box
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This is a historical day for the US. God bless all those lost in this long fight against al quida. Keep your eyes and ears open brothers and sisters. This is long from over!

Stay safe and lets watch eachothers backs!

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This is good news, but.....

....there are plenty of cave dwelling, terror loving, U.S. hating scum out there. Someone will step up and fill his shoes, we need to be vigilant going forward.

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Finally some justice for the 343, 37 and 23 as well as the almost 3000 innocents killed 9/11/2001. Hell is to good of place for this scumsucker. batt2 is right on the money, he may have 72 virgins but I know there are 343 out there just rallying for a fight. I will take 343 vs 72 any day.


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Guys came into the room and said "Joe there's a call and oh by the way, the got Bin Laden!" Needless to say I was tapping the siren a little bit more than normal going to the call.

Though we got the jerk, we still need to be vigilant and not drop our guard.

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Fox News just showed Times Square celebration with FDNY Engine 54 and Ladder 4 guys standing on the top of their rigs celebrating. Great Scene

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Fox News just showed Times Square celebration with FDNY Engine 54 and Ladder 4 guys standing on the top of their rigs celebrating. Great Scene

here is a pic i got in a email. Not mine,nor from the person who emailed it to me. So pic credit to who took it.


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NYPD 1st PCT Level 1 called at Church and Liberty Streets at 1 World Trade Center for traffic and crowd control.

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Good news: There will be 40 virgins waiting for him.

Bad news: Paddy Brown, Ray Downey and a bunch of their friends are also waiting for him.

Only problem is Paddy Brown, Ray Downey and their friends all went north while the snake is certain to head south to the furnace with his virgins.

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Glad that MFer is dead. I would have preferred a slow death, just long enough to see the American flag on the shoulders of the unit that got him. With that said, STAY VIGILANT. This is not the end.

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Glad that MFer is dead. I would have preferred a slow death, just long enough to see the American flag on the shoulders of the unit that got him. With that said, STAY VIGILANT. This is not the end.

They said he died in a firefight. I hope to god that the second he that first gunshot he knew exactly what was going on and who was here to collect him. I pray that realized exactly what was going to happen the second that SEAL team came in the front door.

If only I was at Times Square, 1 WTC or the WH, if only...

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God Bless the Special Operations warriors who undertook this operation. I hope they release their names and hold a parade for them.

Finally justice for the FDNY 343, NYPD 23 and PAPD 37 as well as all of the civilians who were killed that day.

They should drag his body from 10 House to Shanksville, PA to the Pentagon behind Engine 10 and 10 Truck.

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His body is going to be "disposed of", hopefully by scavenging animals or better yet put it in a pig sty and let them have at it.. Maybe he can't eat pork but I'm sure the pigs would enjoy the scrawny bearded feast. In the end there will be no grave, no tomb, no martyrs physical trace that this scumbag ever existed and that too is justice.

The end to Osama bin A-hole is not the end, but mearly a step on the road to destroying those who seek to harm us. God bless the U.S. military and a hearty Thank you for a job well done. Onward boys to victory!!!! I hope every American wakes up and supports the efforts to make our world and nation safe. We must remain vigilant. We are at war and every American is a part of it whether they like it or not. We didn't start it but by God as history has shown we WILL finish it. Bin Laden got his, now let us not rest until the rest get theirs.


Edited by FFPCogs
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After 10 years. Osama Bin Laden is where he belongs....Dead. Although I for one would have liked to have taken him alive, tried hin for 9/11 and then publicly executed him on live TV. But I'll settle for this although I think his death was too quick.


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To the soldier who send that fatal bullet on its way, we will never know your name, the look of your face, your race, or your background. But we all will stand behind you as one, as Americans. You will go down as an American and as a World hero. Your faceless actions have freed us all. Thank you, and you will never be forgotten.

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