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Yorktown - Extended Extrication 4-26-11

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Date: 4/25/2011

Time: 22:47

Location: TSP NB, 1/8m N of Rt 134

Frequency: 46.26, Fire 17, Fireground 7

Units Operating: Engine 270, Rescue 16, Engine 273, YVAC, 34-Medics, NYSP

Weather Conditions: light mist / fog

Description Of Incident:

Single Car into the median, down the embankment. 911 Caller was the driver, no other calls. Car was not visible from the road.

22:47 - Dispatched to incident

22:48 - 2532, 2533 Responding

22:50 - Engine 270, Rescue 16, Engine 273 responding

22:51 - 2531 responding

22:55 - 2533 on location, confirming entrapment, center median, 20 feet down the embankment

23:50 - Victim extricated (55 min extrication time), handed over to EMS, transported ALS to WMC

- Car was a new Subaru legacy with extremely strong frame work (boron and ultra high strength steel). Car wrecked at an extremely high rate of speed, causing the engine/dash to roll onto the driver, pinning the victim's right leg completely under the dash. During the incident, Multiple hydraulic cutting/spreading tools, 3 hydraulic rams, 1 sawsall and 1 steering wheel cutter were put to work. Precautionary hand line was also stretched. Units preformed a drivers side removal of the front door, and a full roof removal. The dash was then rolled as much as possible without further injuring the patient, and it was determined the victim's leg was pinned under the clutch and brake. The steering wheel cutter was used to cut the brake pedal out, and remove the victim. The victim was alert and conscious the duration of the incident, and suffered minor injuries. Without a doubt, this car saved this victim's life.


Edited by JohnnyOV
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