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West Harrison - 2nd Alarm Fire 4-16-11

1 post in this topic

Date: 4/16/2011

Time: 1915hrs

Location: 313 Columbus Street X Grant Street & Hancock Street

Frequency: 46.26, 155.895, Fire 19, EMS 19

Units Operating: [WHFD: 2501, E265, TL9, R35, U25], [PFD: 2412, E238], [PCFD: 2392, E64], [NWPFD:2323, L47], [TMFD: 2331, E36(FASTeam)], [HEMS: 61A4, 61A5], [WCDES: Bat19, Cause and Orgin Zone 2], [HPD], [Harrison DPW], [Harrison Buidling Inspector]

Units on Standby @ WHFD HQ: [HFD: 2161, E10], [PCFD: L31]

Weather Conditions: Cold and Rainy

Description Of Incident: 2 Alarm fire in a 2.5 story, 25x50, brick stucco residence

Reporters: firedude, TR54 , DR104

Writer: firedude

1915hrs: West Harrison FD dispatched to possible structure fire

1916hrs: redispatched with confirmation of a working fire via HPD

1917hrs: 2501, on location, requests 2nd alarm for 2 story brick, heavy fire in rear

1917hrs: 60 dispatched bat 19, Vallaha fast, HEMS, Cause and Origin

1918hrs: 2502 on scene

1919hrs: 60 dispatched 1 Engine from Port Chester, 1 Engine from Purchase, 1 ladder North White Plains to scene

1920hrs: 2412 responding

1920hrs: 2501 advised no apparatus on the road

1920hrs: E265 responding limited manpower

1921hrs: Harrison dispatched to relocate 1 engine to WHFD HQ

1922hrs: 2412 on scene

1924hrs: redispatch all mutual aid to WHFD HQ

1925hrs: C and O zone 2 dispatched

1927hrs: 2323 L47 responding with 4 to 5 min ETA

1927hrs: U25 responding

1927hrs: Harrison base advises E10 will be relocating

1929hrs: Valhalla FAST unable to respond

1930hrsL TMFD dispatch fast

1930hrs: E64 responding

1930hrs: 2161, E10 relocating

1930hrs: 2231 establishing FASTeam

1931hrs: E64 advises 10min ETA

1931hrs: 2392 on location

1931hrs: L47, Bat 19 on scene

1934hrs: 2231, E36 responding

1927hrs: 2501 advises 25x50 2 and a half story brick stucco, fire in basement appears to be knocked down looking for extension on 1st and 2nd floor

1936hrs: TL9 responding

1936hrs: HEMS dispatched 2nd ambulance to scene to standby

1939hrs: E64 on location

1940hrs: 61A4 responding

1941hrs: R35 responding

1943hrs: Port Chester 1 ladder relocate 95 Lake Street, WHFD HQ

1943hrs: R35 on location

1945hrs: L31 relocating to WHFD HQ

1948hrs: 61A4 on scene

1950hrs: 2393 recommends to 2501 a 2nd line to rear of structure

1953hrs: 2231, E36 on location

1953hrs: 2501 advises main body of fire knocked down, still looking for extensions

1955hrs: L31 relocated at WHFD HQ

1958hrs: 61A4 transporting one MOS ALS to White Plains Hospital

2001hrs: 2501 placing fire under control

2002hrs: 61A4 out at White Plains Hospital

2015hrs: 61A4 returning to Scene

2017hrs: TMFD returning to service

2018hrs: 61A4 in service, 61A5 still on scene

2151hrs: Bat 19 advises E238 is back in service

2203hrs: Bat 19 in service

2209hrs: L31, 2393, TL9 back in service

2225hrs: All units back in service

Edited by firedude
Merged Duplicate IA's

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