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Rye-Working Fire-4/13/11

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Date: 4/13/2011

Time: 0616hrs

Location: 7 Elm Place (@ Al Dente Restaurant) X Purchase Street

Frequency: 155.625, 46.26, Fire 15

Units Operating: [RFD: 2421, 2422, 2423, 2424m, E191, E192, L25, U38, U49], [PCRRBEMS: 77A1], RPD, Con Ed

Units Operating on Standby: [HFD: E10 on stanby in HFD HQ]

Weather Conditions: Cloudy and cool

Description Of Incident: See Below

Reporters: firedude

Writer: firedude


At 0616 on Wednesday April 13 Rye units were dispatched to a report of smoke coming from a building in the area of Purchase Street and Elm Place. Engine 191 and Ladder 25 were on scene almost instantly and reported smoke and flames coming from Al Dente restaurant. Two handlines were stretched from E191, and E192 laid in large diameter hose from a hydrant on Purchase Street to feed E191. While teams fought the flames in the rear kitchen area, other members provided vertical ventilation on the roof. The fire was quickly knocked down and extinguished without extension to any surrounding structures. All three volunteer Chiefs were on scene throughout the incident, as well as Utilities 39 and 49. Units from Rye PD and Port Chester*Rye*Rye Brook EMS were also present, while an Engine from Harrison FD stood by to cover the City while Rye units were committed. After Con Ed disconnected the electrical service, the scene was turned over to Rye's Fire Inspector and the building owner.

If anyone has anything to add, please PM me.


Edited by firedude

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