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Off Duty Firefighter Saves Choking Boy

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A Winston Salem Firefighter eating lunch with his 10 year old son jumped to :D the aid of a 9 year old boy choking at the school next door to the firehouse. Administering the Heimlich and ultimately savings the boys life. Awesome job, check out the video.

Edited by x1243
FF398, PFDRes47cue and PEMO3 like this

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Great story! Nice work brother.

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Great Job!!! So why wasnt the teacher trained to do it herself? She is working in the lunch room!!!

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Great Job!!! So why wasnt the teacher trained to do it herself? She is working in the lunch room!!!

Good question, most schools that is the minimal requirement...... She Says " I ran over and got Eric". So what would have happened if Eric was not there???? <_<

Edited by x1243
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I am sure that most people on this board already have this training, But it really needs to go further. It should be required that all High School students have Basic FA / CPR courses completed prior to graduation. Hell, they make you take gym. Take a few gym hours and plug this in. Even if they never took another course again, one day they might run into something and remember the basics.

True Story: While out at FDIC in Indianapolis last month, a bunch of us were out to dinner at some steak joint and during the meal, one of the guys with us (Paramedic /FF from Sacramento)stands up with this look and signaling he was choking. We looked at him with the Yeahhhhhh Rightttttt attitude, but that went away in about 2 seconds. His buddy next to him (another Paramedic / FF from Sac) stood up, assumed the position (whispered in his ear that he better not be F'ing kidding) and Bam, One Shot .... POP out came a chunk of Beef. He sat back down and started eating again like nothing happened. The other 8 of us sat there in disbelief, kinda like "did that just really happen?" He looked over to us and said NOT A WORD !!! Needless to say he was assigned someone to sit with him at every meal for the remainder of the trip and the jokes didn't stop for a few days.

Hey, Ya never know.

Good Work Guys.

Edited by TCD0415
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Just on a side note in my high school I remember "learning" CPR but I dont remember learning first aid skills.

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My question is, "When is a firefighter ever off-duty?"

Granted, if enjoying some adult beverages, or other such circumstances, yes, but in general, ever?

If I ever (personally) ran into someone who refused to aid someone because they were "off the clock", I would be extremely perturbed, saddened, and be sure to express my disgust.

Thankfully, I have never yet met anyone like that.

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