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Yonkers - Police Officers Assaulted 04-01-11

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Date: 04-01-11

Time: 2300

Location: 69 Hamilton Avenue

Frequency: YPD F1

Units Operating: YPD 3rd Pct, 4th Pct, 2nd Pct, (and probably some 1st Pct), ESU, K-9, Patrol and ESU Supervisors, WCPD Aviation, Empress EMS, YFD (with Tower Ladder)

Weather Conditions: Clear and Cool

Description Of Incident: Two YPD officers attempting to affect an arrest were assaulted by the suspects and more than a dozen "people" inside a small apartment building. Numerous units responded to the call for help and several suspects were arrested inside the building. Aviation observed one suspect hiding on the roof ot the building and directed YPD to his location where he was also arrested. YFD responded with a tower ladder to remove the suspect from the roof because there was no fire escape access. Two officers taken to hospital for treatment of various injuries.


Writer: helicopper

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