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Chattanooga, TN - Armed Robbery / Police Officer LODD 04-02-11

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Date: 04-02-11

Time: 1024

Location: 5952 Brainerd Road

Departments: Chattanooga PD, EMS

Description: Officers responding to an armed robbery at a pawn shop were engaged in a gun battle with the suspect(s). During the exchange, Sgt. James Timothy Chapin was shot and killed and Police Officer Lorin Johnston was wounded. At least one suspect was also shot and is in unknown condition. Six (6) other officers involved in the shootout have been placed on administrative leave.

Chapin is the 52nd police officer to be killed in the line of duty this year (the 25th by gunfire).


Writer: helicopper

From the latest article:

At 10:24 Saturday morning, Hamilton County 911 received notice of an automatic hold up alarm from U.S. Money Shops. The first officer dispatched to the store at 5952 Brainerd Road arrived within one minute. By 10:26am he notified dispatchers that the robbery suspect, a Colorado parolee named Jesse Mathews, was shooting at officers through the store's plate glass windows.Officers on the scene said the gunman ran to the back of the store and ducked out a side door onto the street. He continued shooting as additional officers arrived. Police say that Mathews fired into the patrol car of Sergeant James Timothy Chapin. Matthews was hit by the car but kept running, which led Sgt. Chapin to jump out of his car and give chase. Investigators say Matthews shot the 26-year C.P.D. veteran in the head. At 10:29am, a patrolman notified dispatch of an officer down.

Other officers returned fire, hitting Matthews at least a dozen times. He was taken into custody within 5 minutes of the initial alarm report. Matthews and officer Lorin Johnston were taken to Erlanger Medical Center. Officer Johnston was treated for a gunshot to the back, which reportedly hit his kevlar vest. He was released from the emergency room Saturday afternoon.

Officers on the scene that asked to not be identified tell Channel 3 that Matthews was heavily armed and wearing body armor.

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