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Thanks to all Good Samaritans

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The other day, the snowy commute proved horrendous. At the rollover between Peekskill Hollow and Bryant Pond Roads, so many Good Samaritans intervened and helped a hurt, scared lady who skidded off the road in her minivan and came to a stop on the vehicle's side against a tree.

Thank you to the off-duty EMT I saw running into the woods toward her vehicle. Thanks to the guy trained as a first-responder who also was a life-long Boy Scout who just wanted to help if he could. Thanks especially to the several off-duty NYSTroopers who stopped, provided invaluable scene safety (with loaned flares- ahem) and helped to speed up the BLS response. And thanks, George the medic, for getting there to relieve me and allow me to get to work in the local ER (looking and feeling much like a wet, half-drowned rat).

Evereytime I start to think that people in general just suck and don't care about anyone but themselves, Good Samaritans like the ones I met the other day prove me wrong and restore my faith in mankind.

Thanks, all of you, for that. :D

x635, Billy, calhobs and 7 others like this

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