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Bronx - Fatal Major Bus Crash 3-12-2011

1 post in this topic

Date: 3-12-2011

Time: 06:04

Location: New England southbound at Hutchinson River Parkway

Frequency: FDNY Bronx Dispatch

Units Operating: FDNY Bronx; NYPD; NYPD ESU

Weather Conditions: Chilly

Description Of Incident: Major bus crash involving an overturned bus carrying 32 persons. 13 black tag, 6 red, 2 yellow and 11 green on-scene. 1 person died at Jacobi

Reporters/Writer: PFDRes47cue, pcfpr1


Engine 63, 97, 61, 66, 89, 90

Ladder 39, 50, 32 (F.A.S.T.), 27 (Collapse Rig), 61, 37, 41

Rescue 3, 4

Battalion 20, 27

Division 7

06:04 hours

B20: All hands for an overturned tour bus. 32 persons on board. 6 10-37 code 1.

L32 Fast



06:06 hours

B20: Special request 2 additional trucks, mixer off.

L41, L37 s/c

06:10 hours

D7: Request 2 additional CFR-D engines

E89, E90 s/c

Disp confirmed to Rescue Battalion that second rescue (R4) was assigned to the box.

06:19 hours

Car 13 adam responding to the overturned bus.

06:25 hours incident duration 47 minutes

D7: 20 people removed from the bus, attempting to remove the rest. Continuing to use all hands, incident is doubtfull will hold.

06:31 hours

Car 1B is 10-84

FC: Division 7 requests an expedited reponse by Con-ed.

06:38 hours Duration 1 hour and 1 minute

FC: New England southbound at Hudson River Parkway. Division 7 reports extrication still in progress. 12 black tag, 5 red tag, 4 yellow tag and 9 green tag.

06:48 hours duration 1 hour and 11 minutes

FC: Major casualty MVA involving an overturned bus, New England southbound at Hudson River Parkway. Division 7 reports 32 victims removed from the bus. 13 black tag, 6 red, 2 yellow and 11 green. Probably will hold.

07:01 hours duration 1 hour and 24 minutes

FC: Major casualty MVA involving an overturned bus, New England southbound at Hudson River Parkway. Car 13 adam reports 32 victims removed from the bus. Secondary searches are complete and negative, incident is now under control.

07:07 hours

D7: Request squad and second piece to deal with fuel from the accident

Hazmat 1, Squad 41, Hazmat Battalion s/c

07:15 hours

D7: Releasing the two rescues, they will go 10-8 when available.

Edited by PFDRes47cue
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