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Boehner Blocks Capitol Ceremony for Last WWI Vet

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A campaign to allow the body of Frank Buckles, the last US veteran of World War, I to lie with honor in the Capitol Rotunda—a rare privilege usually reserved for presidents and high-ranking politicians, but sometimes extended to extraordinary citizens—has reportedly been derailed by House Majority Leader John Boehner.
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This is shameful, but it's what I have come to expect from today's GOP. Politicians like the wimpy, cry baby Rep. John Boehner who have no respect for Cops, Firefighters or the military. He's never placed himself in harm's way to protect his country or another human being. He stood with the GOP when they held The Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Bill hostage while demanding that Democrats join the GOP in extending tax breaks for the wealthiest 2% of Americans. After getting the tax breaks for their wealthy corporate campaign supporters, they subsequently cut the funding for Zadroga in half before passing it. BTW, Rep. John Boehner didn't even stay in Washington to vote on the final bill which occurred on December 22nd, 2010. He along with many other GOP rich kids had already gone home to celebrate Christmas with their families. I wonder what it feels like to walk away from your responsibilities as an elected public servant whenever you feel like it, leaving your work undone. As a Firefighter, I wouldn't know that feeling, nor did I ever have the desire to abandon my responsibilities for my personal enjoyment ... Rep. John Boehner is a disgrace.

Thank you for your service to our country Mr. Buckles ... May you rest in peace ...

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Again lets hope that we all remember who held us hostage and more importantly WHY the 2% for the rich. This was a honor that should have been bestoed on the last American to fight in "the war to end all wars" Rest in peace soldier you have done your job and done it well.

efdcapt115, grumpyff and IzzyEng4 like this

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Boehner is a bonehead. This like the 9/11 bill is just an extension of the GOP continuing to tell America's Hero's that their sacrifice is not great enough.

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My grandfather was a WWI vet. He was part of the 1st American air force. Back then it was the Army air corp. He flew in France and was actualy shot down twice. Each time he walked away from the wreck. Unfortunatly, all that poison gas they were throwing down below rose and the flyboys flew though it. In the end it gave him horrible stomach ulcers that eventualy killed him in 48'. In todays world his medical problems would be a routine fix. He was also a WWII vet and served as a flight instructor down in Arkansas. I just don't get todays politicians. Come on people its the last American WORLD WAR ONE vet. We should honor all of their service by havng him lay in state in the rotunda. What a discrace!

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Dirtbag move on the part of this guy. Betcha when he goes to his eternal reward, he will get laid out in the rotunda. Rassum Frassum..

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This is just another reason for me to justify hating politics. Serve 1 term, free healthcare for life, pension etc...

Someone who served this country before his [boehner] father was probably even born...

Oh, and according to Wikipedia, Boehner served a WHOPPING 8 Weeks in the USN before being honorably discharged. Yet a Vet who served before Television was invented cannot have Capitol Honors...

Look at Bonehead... I mean Boenhner's stance on Defense:

As Americans we’re fortunate in so many ways. We have so many blessings including a great and proud history to inspire us. But we also have an incredible duty – one to stand and fight against those who seek to destroy America and the freedom that defines us. Our troops are committed to fighting and winning this global war. We owe them our unfailing support.

A spokesman for Boehner said that he and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) would try to get permission from the Department of Defense for a ceremony in Arlington National Cemetery.

According to the initial article posted here on the forums at the time of Mr. Buckles' death:

Because Mr. Buckles served just one hitch in the Army and returned from France with no wounds or medals for bravery, he was eligible under Arlington National Cemetery protocols only for inurnment in a vault for cremated remains. In March 2008, however, the Bush administration ordered a rare exception for an old corporal of the so-called war to end all wars, and for the passing of living memory.

Mr. Buckles wanted a grave site at Arlington and a traditional white marble headstone. And he will get his wish.

Mr. Boehner, you are an absolute disgrace. I cannot believe the quality of people elected these days to "represent us".

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Bush really did care about our troops. He did the right thing for Buckles and always tried to show his support for the men and women overseas. Bohner cares only for himself and his own agenda. He typifies many of these tea party candidates and Its disgusting.

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Bush really did care about our troops. He did the right thing for Buckles and always tried to show his support for the men and women overseas. Bohner cares only for himself and his own agenda. He typifies many of these tea party candidates and Its disgusting.

I didn't think this was a political forum,but lets be far,Harry Reid is also involved in the situation.

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I feel as strongly about honoring our veterans as anyone else. I was unaware of this development, and I was initially angry about Boehner's stance.


In reading through some of the anti-GOP, anti tea-party, Sarah-Palin-did-it vitriole that's been posted here in response, I think I owe it to myself to go out and get educated on the detailed reasons for Boehner's opposition, if in fact it is opposition, and clarify it to myself before I can condemn it. If Boehner did this for no other reason than partisanship, then something is clearly wrong with his judgement. A terse one-line statement to the press from W. Virginia's two Democratic Senators looks too much like opportunistic mudslinging to me.

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Wait, is there any actual evidence that Boehner blocked this, or an explanation as to why? Or are we just taking these two Reps from WV at their word? I'd like to know IF he actually stopped it and if there was a reason.

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It's amazing to see the anti GOP rhetoric on here every time something happens in this country. Let me say that I support an Arlington ceremony for this man to honor him in being that last surviving vet from WWI but to lay in state in the rotunda seems like a headline grab for the west virginia democratic senators. The buckles family spokesman said to one media outlet that he wasn't even contacted in regards to any planned ceremonies for buckles including laying in the rotunda so these senators took it upon themselves to try to do this without the consent of the family. Let's all remember that this story is barely verified, the info available on it is sparse at best.

For those of you who like to judge the GOP on the zadroga bill and on things like this saying things like " the rich kid republicans" ... I guess you all forget about the rich kid kennedy family but i guess its only republicans who have money. You think the democrats care about cops and firemen... think again.... THEY ALL SUCK, BOTH PARTIES ARE OUT FOR THEMSELVES.

Just remember when you get your pay check every two weeks and you see all that money taken out just remember who keeps advocating taxing and spending .. the DEMOCRATS .....

It's narrow mindedness like we see here at times that the democrats thrive on... shoot from the hip reactions help nobody and only deepen the divide in this country.

No matter what the outcome of this situation, I thank you Mr. Buckles for your service and your sacrafice God Bless you sir and rest in peace.

calhobs, Stepjam and grumpyff like this

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Crime Cop, I gotta say I'm with you on this one.

Here is the list of people who have lied in state in the Rotunda:

* 1852 – Henry Clay, long-serving Senator and Representative, Secretary of State, Speaker of the House, and presidential candidate

* 1865 – President Abraham Lincoln, assassinated while in office

* 1868 – Thaddeus Stevens, Representative from Pennsylvania

* 1874 – Charles Sumner, Senator from Massachusetts

* 1875 – Vice President Henry Wilson, served under Grant, died in office

* 1881 – President James Garfield, assassinated while in office

* 1886 – John A. Logan, Senator from Illinois

* 1901 – President William McKinley, assassinated while in office

* 1909 – Pierre L'Enfant – although he died in 1825, he was disinterred, laid in state upon reinternment at Arlington National Cemetery

* 1917 – Admiral George Dewey, Admiral of the Navy

* 1921 – The Unknown Soldier for World War I

* 1923 – President Warren Harding, died in office

* 1930 – President William Howard Taft, President 1909–13, also Chief Justice 1921–30

* 1948 – John J. Pershing, General of the Armies of the United States

* 1953 – Robert Taft, U.S. Senator and Majority Leader

* 1958 – The Unknown Soldiers for World War II and the Korean War

* 1963 – President John F. Kennedy, assassinated while in office

* 1964 – General Douglas MacArthur, General of the Army

* 1964 – President Herbert Hoover, President 1929–33

* 1969 – President Dwight Eisenhower, President 1953–1961, Supreme Allied Commander during World War II

* 1969 – Everett Dirksen, Illinois Senator, Senate Minority Leader 1959–1969

* 1972 – J. Edgar Hoover, FBI Director 1929–1972

* 1973 – President Lyndon B. Johnson, President 1963–1969

* 1978 – Hubert Humphrey, Vice President 1965–1969, Minnesota Senator

* 1984 – The Unknown Soldier for the Vietnam War (later identified as 1st. Lt. Michael J. Blassie)

* 1989 – Claude Pepper, long Serving Senator and Representative

* 2004 – President Ronald Reagan, President 1981–1989

* 2006–07 – President Gerald Ford, President 1974–1977

As you can see, only 8 servicemen have EVER Lied in State at the Rotunda, 1 of which was a President AND the Supreme Allied Commander of WWII (Ike.) All of them were AT LEAST 5 Star Officers or Unknown Soldiers. While I would never take away from the service of this heroic individual, there are protocols for this type of thing. A burial at Arlington National Cemetery seems, to me anyway, to be a much more fitting honor for this hero. The man fought a war and should be buried where with his fellow warriors.

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You missed a ninth soldier. Piere L'Enfant was a Frenchman wounded during the revolution who would later as a civilian serve Washington in laying out some of the initial plans for Washington DC. Between Piere and the unknown soldiers enough of a precedent has been set to allow this rare honor for a truly unique situation.

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@crime cop - Just to let you and everyone know, I don't go after the entire party, I single out those politicians who are wrong. And yes a great majority of them despite political affiliation are out for themselves. Can't wait to see what happens to those junior members that are filled with p&v, they fall into the same line of bull in DC for sure.

@Alex (Sage) - this is the last vet of the "Great War", the known soldiers despite the identification of LT. Blassie we just that, unknown. If the US did not get involved in WWI the world map would look very different today. Let alone look at if we did not get involved some 20 plus years later with WWII.

All I have to ask is if this was Dick Winters and he was denied, how would we all feel then??

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My mistake ny10570. You're right about L'Enfant. Isn't an entire section of DC named after him? Or am I thinking someone else?

Also, Izzy, Dick Winters didn't even get considered for this kind of thing. I totally agree that this soldier should be honored, I mean, hell, he lied about his age so that he could get into the war. You've gotta respect that. All I'm saying is there is a procedure in place for who gets to Lie in State, and this is the first time this type of situation has ever been brought up, so its understandable that some might disagree with changing the way things work.

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Besides this topic being discussed and even more dishartening fact is that there is NO World War 1 momument in our nations capitol. Almost one hundred years after it ended we still have no monument to these veterans. They gave their service and lives to our contry in the war to end all war's. Don't you think it's about time, that they are not completly forgotten about and that a beautiful monument be errected on the National Mall so that generations can remember and honor them?

Edited by ptwatson

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Besides this topic being discussed and even more dishartening fact is that there is NO World War 1 momument in our nations capitol. Almost one hundred years after it ended we still have no monument to these veterans. They gave their service and lives to our contry in the war to end all war's. Don't you think it's about time, that they are not completly forgotten about and that a beautiful monument be errected on the National Mall so that generations can remember and honor them?

There actually is a very nice WW1 monument off the Mall for Washington DC area residents who served in the war. Granted, it's not a National memorial, but it's very dignified and could be developed into one, IMO. Sadly, I found it totally by accident while walking the Mall. It's kind of out-of-the-way, and it isn't kept up as well as it should be.

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I agree with Stepjam. I found it by accident a few years ago walking around. It really is a beautiful monument.

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Crime Cop, I gotta say I'm with you on this one.


As you can see, only 8 servicemen have EVER Lied in State at the Rotunda, 1 of which was a President AND the Supreme Allied Commander of WWII (Ike.) All of them were AT LEAST 5 Star Officers or Unknown Soldiers. While I would never take away from the service of this heroic individual, there are protocols for this type of thing. A burial at Arlington National Cemetery seems, to me anyway, to be a much more fitting honor for this hero. The man fought a war and should be buried where with his fellow warriors.

I don't think it is so much purely the fact that he will not have the, for lack of a better word, 'opportunity' to Lie in State, that bothers me, I feel it is more the fact that some one (or enough people) were actually so opposed to this happening, that it was declined.

Let's say, for a minute, that there was never even a possibility, or a thought, or a motion, or a vote to potentially have Mr. Buckles Lie in State, this thread, and everyone's opinions would be *, void, and, actually non-existent.

I think the fact that when it did come up, and got so far as to coming down to a decision by one person, they did not have the balls enough to stand up and make what to ME, would be "the right" decision.

Just as with an extinct animal, or a dying breed, once these people of immeasurable life experiences, and stories are gone, they're gone.

Just a point of reference, Mr. Buckles served 3 years in the Military, 5 years before Bonehead... I mean Boehner's FATHER was born, spent 3 and a half years as a Japanese POW (non-military), and was rescued 4-5 years before BOEHNER was even born... It's not common enough for someone to live to 110 as it is, let along survive 2 World Wars, and then live another 65 years. Certainly puts things in a slightly different perspective for me...

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President Bush had already granted a waiver for interment at Arlington National Cemetery for Mr. Buckles while he was still alive, and BEFORE all of this controversy took place. Rep Boehner and Senator Reid have already proposed expanding this by adding a special ceremony at Arlington's amphitheater. President Obama has ordered flags to half staff on the day of Mr. Buckles funeral. Each of these things alone are quite an honor. Altogether, they are an exceptional honor.

The Buckles family spokesperson has stated that nobody has contacted them at any time about any arrangements for Mr. Buckles, so the whole Rotunda proposal smells very opportunistic and cynical to me.

Nobody is disputing that Mr. Buckles' passing should be a noteworthy event, or that Mr. Buckles himself was an extraordinary man. But it still has to be taken under consideration that lying in State, or more correctly, lying in Honor, has always been exceptional with pretty clearly defined precedents.

I see this non-controversy as nothing more than a rotten tomato toss by two Democratic Senators. There is nothing to stop them from introducing a resolution on the floor, but time is of the essence. Rep. Boehner's office has been silent on the issue, probably because it wasn't an issue until a couple of Democrats (and a couple of Republicans too) bleated their indignation to the press. If anyone should be called disgraceful, it's a politician who would attempt to create a firestorm and grab headlines out of this solemn event to discredit the "opposition."

Edited by Stepjam

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