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Continental Plane Makes Emergency Landing After Bird Strike

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A bird strike has forced a Houston-bound Continental Airlines flight to return to Washington's Reagan National Airport moments after take off. The flight with 44 passengers and 6 crew had sucked a bird into one of its engines on take off causing it to declare an emergency and immediately return. The flight landed safely 17 minutes later without further incident.

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I like how the article quotes a DC Fire Department spokesman. Niether airport is in DC (both are in Virginia, Arlinton Cty and Fairfax County respectfully) nor covered by the DC Fire Department (ARFF ia provided by the Metro Washington Airports Authority).

PEMO3, x635 and firedude like this

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You are 100% right. I spotted that also. Funny part is that the story was picked up on the Associated Press and almost every paper quotes the DC FD spokesman on this incident. Funny how not one media outlet managed to pick up the error, and I have thus far read through some 20+ accounts.

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