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Report: Firefighter Refused Call to Giffords Shooting

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A veteran firefighter refused to respond to last month's deadly shooting spree that left Rep. Gabrielle Giffords wounded because of "political bantering," and it may have delayed his unit's assignment to help, according to internal city memos.

The Arizona Daily Star reported Thursday that firefighter Mark Ekstrum's team, which is specially trained to handle large medical emergencies, was dispatched to assist 90 minutes after the Jan. 8 shooting. The newspaper obtained the memos about the incident through a public records request.

While the crew was not among those first called to the supermarket where six people were killed and 13 others wounded, a memo from Ekstrum's supervisor said his actions caused "confusion and delay" during the emergency.

All I can say is, wow!

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It's a confusing article. It starts out with this "political bantering" comment. Where did that take place, in the firehouse amongst the members? Did they get into a heated political argument, because towards the end of the story the firefighter in question says he was so distraught that he felt he couldn't perform his duties, so he went home sick. He also said he voted for Giffords.

He also retired apparently. So he's gone.

Not much of a story here really, much ado about nothing in my opinion.

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Sounds like they were responding with a 'scene support truck' and look what happened to the crew. Maybe this is why WCDES scene trailers are such a mystery and no manpower to man it. The county is protecting the mental health of it's firefighters.

PFDRes47cue and efdcapt115 like this

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From the way the AOL article takes it seem, in my opinion, its not that he wouldn't respond, it is that he couldn't. While he may have physically been able to do his job, mentally it sounds like a different story. I would not be surprised if it was determined that this firefighter had some form of PTSD that reoccurred during this tragedy. As with all mental health issues, it is a very slippery slope and one never knows what little event can cause a devastating downward spiral leading to depression, anxiety, and much worse. I think there is A LOT more to this story than the few paragraphs in the article. This does highlight the need to CISM Teams for all persons involved incidents like this, not just only for those with blood on their hands.

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It's a confusing article. It starts out with this "political bantering" comment. Where did that take place, in the firehouse amongst the members? Did they get into a heated political argument, because towards the end of the story the firefighter in question says he was so distraught that he felt he couldn't perform his duties, so he went home sick. He also said he voted for Giffords.

He also retired apparently. So he's gone.

Not much of a story here really, much ado about nothing in my opinion.

Well said. The article doesn't explain anything but is trying to stir something up with a sensational headline. All the victims were at the hospital by the time this occurred so I don't see the newsworthiness.

It sounds like the FF has/had issues but he retired so it is all a moot point.

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"Ekstrum's crew had been dispatched at 12:03 p.m., seven minutes after the last patient arrived at the hospital, said Joe Gulotta, an assistant fire chief."

Sounds like this a whole lot over nothing. This wasn't an emergency at this point. They were likely being brought in for scene support for the investigation.

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While the article, like most articles, is light on certain details, if he refused to respond because of his political beliefs, I find that very disturbing. The fact that he retired two days later speaks volumes.

Capt. Ben Williams wrote in a report that when Ekstrum first said he would not go on the call, "he mentioned something about 'political bantering' and he did not want to be part of it."

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Agreed, sounds like people making a big deal over nothing. The firefighter retired...end of story.

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