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Hosed...A New Comedy (video)

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Youtube credit:justonmckinney

A comedy series about a volunteer fire department in Effingwoods NH. In this episode Ben (Juston McKinney) and Smitty (Gary Valentine) respond to a fire call. This episode co-stars Lenny Clarke (Rescue Me).


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Saw this video yesterday on another site, and personally I think it's pretty funny. Hope no one reads too far into it. And hey let's face it there's always a bit of truth in humor.


firefighter36 likes this

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I love this show!

My favorite parts are in Episode 1 where he comes outside and goes "County....Smitty, Cancel the truck" and in episode 3 when his pager goes off and he can't start his car because of his asthma attack and the whole alcohol sensor thing!!

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Really funny show. It is a great idea, as long as no one takes it the wrong way. Knowing people, someone will take it the wrong way and ruin the humor. (general statement)

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Really funny show. It is a great idea, as long as no one takes it the wrong way. Knowing people, someone will take it the wrong way and ruin the humor. (general statement)

We all must maintain the ability to take a step back and laugh, especially at ourselves or a parody of ourselves. Humor can solve a lot of problems in this world....if only people would lighten up, and laugh a little more. Life's too short.....and I think it's a scientific fact that people who laugh more live longer....

FD828, FFBlaser, CFFD117 and 3 others like this

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We all must maintain the ability to take a step back and laugh, especially at ourselves or a parody of ourselves. Humor can solve a lot of problems in this world....if only people would lighten up, and laugh a little more. Life's too short.....and I think it's a scientific fact that people who laugh more live longer....

Spot on Capt!

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Definitely hilarious.

On another note, attacks against departments are prohibited by the ToS of this site and will be deleted.

PFDRes47cue and efdcapt115 like this

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You signed up for this site, you agreed to the terms. I'm not personally insulted by the comment, I'm not even from Westchester, but I do show respect for someone else's department, even if I don't know anyone from there.

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That some of the funniest skits I've seen in a long time with taken some realistic situations and highlighting them to be funny.

Sage...I can only hope your actually adding to the comedy by your comments about the ToS. Its a frigging comedy segment. And if its mentioned that it reminds of a specific department. Then so be it.

And I was here long before the TOS were thrown around 15 times a day. I might have agreed with it somewhere along the line. But lets not forget this site is also kept afloat by donations. So by all means...keep going the direction this has been going for over a year now. Then the name can be changed to cake or rose colored or lets pretend there really not . Enough already.

bigrig77 likes this

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It is pretty funny. I like in the third episode when she finds out he is not a real firefighter. Her face is priceless. I think these guys did do a great job portraying the vols personalities. I know it is blown WAY out of proportion to make it funny :rolleyes: , but the part were he works at a tanning salon was classic. I did like that they made the career firefighter a women. Normally she would have been just an equal but it was something different. I hope they keep up the great work and keep us all laughing.

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Funny stuff. Anyone know where the actual firehouses are up in NH? I know a few people who are up there and i think i recognize that house. Lenny Clark was funny as the resident.

"do you have a hose?" No it's on the truck. How about a fire extinguisher? no do you have one in the house?

I was laughing really loud and the wife was looking at me funny. Well done.

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One of the guys e-mailed this to me separately earlier today. I found them funny and amusing and having served in a number of volunteer departments over the years, I could, and I'm sure most everyone could, find a corresponding member(s) in their own department to compare this crew to.

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